n i n e

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"Jeon Jungkook is the CEO of the Min Cooperations."

The Min??That fucking bastard!!How dare he take my parents company after what he did!!!

"B-but that's all the way in Seoul....and t-that his house and the whole building has high level security which is impossible to get into."

Seoul??How am I going to get there?

"Do you know how to get in?"I raise my eyebrow.

"I d-don't know..."

Tsk!!This was useless!!

"Let's go Taehyung."I turned around to walk out the door.

Before I could walk out.Two cops busted through the door.I gasp and quickly pushed Taehyung away before pulling my gun out.

The cop shot the gun and without hesitation,I pulled Hoseok and used him to block the bullet.The bullet hit his shoulder causing him to groan loudly.

I threw him to the side and shot the two cops.

How did they know?!We got to go before more come!

"Taehyung lets go!!"

I turn to him and see his hand was impaled by a lard piece of glass.I gasp and run to him.

"Taehyung!!Are you Okay!?"

"I-I'm Fine...l-let's go."He gets up holding his wrist.

I hesitated but turned around and ran through the door stepping over the dead body's.

Shit this is my fault!He's hurt because of me!


We ran through the crowd and outside running into Taehyung's car.

"Taehyung,let me see your hand."

"I'm f-"

"Give it to me."

He sighs and puts his hand on my lap.

It looks really painful...damn it.

"This is going to hurt."I look up at him.

He just nods.

I grab onto the glass and slowly and very carefully start to pull it out.He winces at the pain but I keep going until it's all the way out.

I look around the car and find a long white fabric in the back seat.I take it rip a long strip of it.I take out of my jacket along with my crop top leaving me only with my bra.

I look up at him and see him eyeing my breasts.I hit his arm playfully and look at him with an pouty face.

"My face is up here pervert."

"Yeah but I like staring at every beautiful part of you."He winks.

My face heats up as my heart beats loudly that it could be heard outside.

Damn it!Taehyung!!


He chuckles...I couldn't help but laugh along...

I put my crop top on his cut and dab it on lightly so it would suck up all the blood.Once it was done,I rap the fabric around it taping the end.

H͟o͟s͟e͟o͟k͟ P͟o͟v͟

"She knows sir..."I whisper into the phone.

"Good,this makes things a lot easier"

T⃣a⃣e⃣h⃣y⃣u⃣n⃣g⃣ P⃣O⃣V⃣

I looked at how she rapped the fabric around my hand and realized how beautiful her hands are.Long,slender,and light.

I suddenly felt something wet on my hand,I looked up and saw that she was crying while biting her lip.I gasped and quickly grabbed her chin making her face me.

"Why are you crying?"I asked with a soft tone.

She suddenly began to cry harder sobbing and sniffing.I found it very cute that her face was all red.

What should I do?Is This my fault!??Oh no!!

"Don't cry please..."I wiped her tears away.

She sobbed crying even harder while holding onto my hand tightly.I sighed and put her on my lap so she was straddling me.

"Narsha...."I whispered.

"This is my fault...I don't want you to hurt you."

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