Chapter 10

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Sonali's pov

Who knew watching Mr.Sunshine-and-Rainbow guy sprinting here and there desperately in the mornings would be so fun ? Seeing him huffing and puffing, grudging and sweating was totally worth killing time on. My plan was working perfectly fine. I watched, amused, as he grudgingly went up and down the building repeatedly. Obviously he had never planned an event before, and this was stressful for him. I almost laughed when he nearly lost his cool while dealing with an ignorant manager of a famous actor. The manager refused to fix a date on the schedule of the actor, saying he was busy that whole day. At last when I realised the matter was getting out of hand, I intervened.

I snatched the phone out of his hand, "Hello,it's Ruby Nandy Das speaking. I am the daughter of Mr.Robert Nandy,C.E.O of Nutressa Pvt. Ltd. I hope you do recognise who I am ?"

Mr. Das stared at me, mouth wide open. The manager hesitated and then hastily replied,  "Oh! Yes, yes Ma'am, I do recognise now. How may I help you Ma'am?"

I smiled smugly at Mr. Das, "I'm glad you did. Apparently my assistant here was not enough to convince you, so I had to intervene."

I could practically hear the manager choke, "I am very sorry Ma'am. I didn't realize it was this urgent. I'll mark the date on Sir's calendar, and let him know about the event too."

"That will probably be best. Thank you."

I put off the phone and stared at Mr. Das. He closed his gaping mouth and complained, "You lied!"

"So ?"

"So? What was the need ?"

"You tried your way,didn't you? Did it work? No,right. So I tried my way. See, it worked."

He went away muttering something under his breath that I couldn't understand.

Finally, the week ended and Monday arrived.

The event was to be held in a large community garden,to accommodate a crazily huge number of people and media persons. I had instructed Pamela to overlook the last minute arrangements and Neil to come to the office instead of the party. I had some special plans for him,which apparently he didn't quite like.

"Here are some files Mr. Das. You can go home and in the comfort of your home you can finish these files without any stress. No longer do you need to stick around that tiresome party,and don't you worry, I've sent Pamela to overlook the arrangements, you can relax now."

This was part of my special plan - make him work like an ass by providing half the time he could actually have, and later would not let him enjoy the fruits of hus labour - and it worked out really well.

His face was remarkable. He looked as if he would break everything that is breakable, and all that on my head ! But I was amused. I knew he wouldn't dare to do anything like that, I was his Boss after all.  Instead of breaking my bones, he snapped at me.

"What kind of sick joke is this ? I've worked hard to arrange this enormous party, without any help from anyone, and you are telling me to sit at home and do paper works while everyone enjoys the party I arranged ?!"

"Oh,when did I ever say like that? In fact, I am giving you freedom from this bothersome party. I had promised you that once you finish the party arrangement, I'll give you rest, so, here it is. Take rest, but since there are a lot of work left still, I am requesting you to finish these spreadsheets at home. Now go on, I have some work to do too, then I have to attend that party too." I smiled extra sweetly at him.

I could tell he was really upset. His face was almost red and he was huffing like he would explode any moment. I wanted to laugh out loud, but refrained from it. He gave me a glare and angrily left the chamber, without saying anything. I was amazed at his retinence and patience.

When I made sure everyone has left, I locked my room and went out of the office. I saw Pamela on my way, watching me accusingly, as if I have wronged someone. Despite this, I offered her a lift to the party. She agreed but did not changed her demeanour. I fathomed that she probably knew about Neil, and it made me feel smug. They should know who the boss is.

We arrived at the venue before time. To be honest, I completely abhorred this kind of publicity stunts, but it was part of my job, and I took my job very seriously. This party was part of my job, so I discarded my frown, plastered a smile and dragged myself as elegantly as possible into the main garden. Behind me, my secretary followed my footsteps, but in a much cheerful manner.

Despite my reluctance, I should admit that Neil had done a good job. The place looked really beautiful, and the arrangements seemed promising. I couldn't believe it was his first time doing this, I couldn't have done this as amazingly even in my hundredth time. But this wasn't reason enough to spare him of my plans.

The sponsor party was about to begin. All important guests started to arrive. Mr. Nandy,with his nincompoop son and his secretary, and few of his sturdy guards, came in. As he caught sight of me, he approached me smilingly. Pamela kept on standing behind me,as if afraid to catch the C.E.O's eyes and somehow get fired. The idiot son,Robin, smiled at her and glared at me. I didn't even glance at him.

"Miss Sonali ! What a beautiful arrangement! I can't believe you did all of this in just two weeks time ", Mr Robert greeted me enthusiastically.

I smiled, smug at my appraisal, "Thank you very much sir,thank you. It was quite difficult for me to handle all this pressure..", I gave him a best pretend look as if all of this was my hard work, "..but I am committed to give this company my hundred percent effort. Of course I couldn't have been able to do this if not because of my hardworking secretaries. Pamela helped me a lot of course..",I smirked at Pamela, "..and Neil too. Both of them are efficient employees".

Mr.Nandy smiled, nodded, praised Pamela, enquired about Neil (about whom I lied again and earned a glare from Pamela), and set off with his small group as the crew of the reality show we were sponsoring arrived. He asked me to join them, and I told him I will be there in a minute.

As soon as they left, I turned to Pamela and before she could utter a word, warningly whispered to her, "If you try to act smart or sympathetic and decide to tell Mr.Nandy anything about this, I swear I'll make sure you're kicked out of the company even before your year completes here. It would be better for you if you do not wedge yourself in this mini-war between Neil and me". I turned to go, but halted when I remembered something, "Oh, and, try to stick with me as much as possible. There are many people here you'll find much more vicious than me..."

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