Chapter 10

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A/N: Apologizes everyone. I know. It took me FOREVER to upload it.


Luke leaned back against the wall with his hands behind his head. Everyone else was frozen in place, staring at the son of Hermes.

"Of course I did. It was so boring in New Rome, and the only promise I made was to never attack Nico or his allies. I never said that I wasn't a thief. Even Mistress Aphrodite called me one." 

Nico had dropped the apple as Luke spoke and it rolled across the floor, landing at the thief's feet. 

Luke held the apple for all to see. "Beauty, isn't it? And 100% real. Sure, the Stolls tried using an actual apple spray painted gold with 'For the Fairest' sharpied on it, but that was just for the Aphrodite cabin. This apple is actually from Hera's tree. No one knew I actually had one. So, when I borrowed the girdle, I retrieved my apple and threw it into the party where I knew Annabeth and her friends were."

Still, no one replied, though their faces all asked "Why?"

Luke continued as though someone had spoken. "Why? As a distraction. So I could get everyone in one place. I must say, I'm glad Aphrodite asked me to get you all together so she could play matchmaker. It was quite fun." His eyes brightened. "Why look, here comes my Mistress now."

Sure enough, walking down the hall was none other than Aphrodite herself, with an impish girl in tow. The goddess smiled at the demigods. "I'm glad you had fun, Luke. Love is meant to be shared." She sat beside Octavian and dragged her finger down the back of the girdle. It popped off and she picked it up, kissing Octavian's cheek and whispering in his ear. "I'll send you a new girdle, love. I need this one back."

Octavian stammered out a "Thank you, mam," before she turned back to the others. "Love can take you to places both good and bad. Be careful. Most of you are still children." The goddess turned towards the hall. "Oh, and Luke? Though I knew your intentions, ask next time. 'Kay darlin'? If you take from the wrong god-" She waved her finger in the air, clicking her tongue, as the imp followed her into the darkness.


Sunlight was shining through the bedrooms' windows.


Reyna was combing her fingers through Annabeth's hair. They were silent and staring at each other, knowing what the other was thinking without speaking. Their fight with Piper was just a prank, and though it made everything seem normal, they knew it couldn't continue. In a few minutes, they would call Piper and explain everything which had happened, but until then, they stared into each other's eyes, pondering what could be.

Jason and Octavian were cuddled up under the sheets. Usually, Jason didn't stay this late, but they were no longer in the Legion, and most of their friends now knew about their relationship, so they figured a few extra minutes wouldn't hurt.

Percy and Luke were staring at each other from across the room, Percy leaning against Luke's desk, and Luke beside his dresser. Was last night a dream? A trick from the love goddess? They had wanted each other, but now? They each took three steps, meeting in the center of the room. Percy grabbed the thief's cheeks, as Luke simultaneously placed his hands against the other's waist. They shared another passionate, hot, heavy kiss, which filled the other with a longing for more, before they collapsed onto Luke's bed.


Leo doesn't bother opening his eyes. He doesn't care why he's on the floor. It's too early for anything. He wonders why his blankets are so cold. When he pats them down, he doesn't find bedding, but instead finds hair, a jacket, and a pair of hips his hands fit perfectly on, all of which he remembers. 

Leo opens his eyes to find Nico sprawled out beside and over him.

"Morning." Nico gives him a sleepy kiss on the cheek.

"Do I want to know why are we on the floor?"

Leo watched as Nico rolled his eyes, and he couldn't lose sight of those dark lashes. "Because I enjoy sleeping on a flat surface. It's good for my back."

"Says the boy not currently on said ground, but instead on his boyfriend."

Nico laughed, and Leo wanted nothing more than to hear it again. "You dork." He whispered into Leo's ear before standing up and opening the door. "Whoever said I was your boyfriend?"

Leo ran out the door, ready to chase Nico to the edge of the earth. He finally had the son of Death back, he would not let him get away that easily. 

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