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This dragon is much more comfortable in the water than the air or ground. It's body shape and abilities allow it to thrive in both the shallows and deep ends of bodies of water. Mudrakers love being in water. 

While they have a fierce appearance and the behavior of an alligator these dragons are actually very playful and fun to be around. Mudrakers enjoy having fun, especially in the water, and are known to push people into the water or splash mud on their trainers. 

Mudraker's have a thick and tough hide that provides protection from other creatures. 

Instead of fire this dragon produces sonic blasts that travels at intense speeds through water. This causes massive and powerful waves. With this ability, Mudrakers are said to command the swamps. The blasts appear as concentric rings of blue. Mudrakers have special sense receptors that can hear vibrations much like a crocodile. This helps it escape stealthy predators. The Mudraker uses sound waves for echolocation. They use this ability to locate and track down objects underwater. This ability is extremely efficient as it can track objects deep underwater in within dark and narrow openings and crevices of the marshes. This is exceptionally useful in their swampy habitat and they can use this to find friends for help or locate enemies.

A Mudraker's egg is greenish, somewhat cyan, in color. They have numerous irregularly-shaped brown splotches on it, making the egg resemble a milk cow. 

The Mudraker has a green body that blends in well with its swampy, algae-filled environment. It has a ridge on its upper jaw and a sail on its back, similar to a Thunderclaw. The two thin horns jut out from the side of its head resembles to that of a Snafflefang. Also, its wings have brownish spot-like patterns. Like the Hideous Zippleback, the Mudraker also has a double-split tail. 

So far they have only been found on Mudraker Island.

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