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  This Sharp Class skydiver is full of hot air. Literally! Instead of breathing fire they shoot super-heated blasts of air that sets their foes ablaze. 

The Windstriker uses super-heated blasts of air to turn up the heat on its opponents. It is possible that the Windstriker heats air up with their fire then direct it at its opponents. Similar to the Night Fury and several other dragons, the Windstriker has the ability to skydive, a maneuver not all dragons can master. 

Windstrikers come in a wide variety of colors. Windstrikers have a long, slender neck and jagged-edged wings They have several spikes on their tail and neck, and a large one on the tip of their snout. The titans don't look very different from the adult other than a change in color. Titans are glossy blue in color. They have a longer horn on the top of its snout and two large horns on their chin. The patterns on their body have been reduced to small white spots. 

A Windstriker's egg looks like a bean. It has teal, yellow, and white stripes covering it with multiple curved thorns on it. 

A Windstriker's body has the same base as the Hobblegrunt, Raincutter, Thornridge, Threadtail and two others. Some locations you can find these Sharp Class dragon are Windswept Ruin, Shredstone Walls, and Mount Villainy. It is the third dragon with an axe-shaped head. It is the first dragon with "wind" in its name, the second one being the Windgnasher and the third one being the Windwalker. 

The Windstriker looks strikingly similar to a Razorwhip. This could just be a coincidence, but it might mean that these dragons are somehow closely related. They are both Sharp Class dragons.  

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