Decision (Barricade x OC) Bayverse! Request

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This is a request from SN_supernova 

Her OC is a femme named Roulette, she looks like Jazz but in a femme way.

In this, Roulette is forced to choose between her crush, Barricade, and the Decepticons or her brother and the Autobots.

 I think that you will all enjoy this one, I loved writing it!

Thank you SN_supernova for requesting! I hope you like it!

  The police sirens blared behind my bumper. Weaving in and out of traffic proved easy, almost fun. As for my little friends chasing me, they were having a rough time.

I cranked up my music and sped up, easily losing them in my tail lights. 

Cars honked their horns at my reckless driving but I don't give a slag.

Checking my rear view mirror, I see that one of the police managed to catch up with me... but no human could ever do that.

I debate on whether to pull over or not until I see a old warehouse a few blocks ahead. I speed up and race to the warehouse, the police cruiser on my bumper. 

When in the warehouse, I skillfully transform and wait for the cruiser.

It quietly drives in and transforms...

"Roulette." Barricade says my name.

"Barricade." I breathe.

 I resist the urge to wrap my arms around him in relief, I missed him dearly. 

We stood facing each other, gathering our thoughts while gazing over each other's forms.

"I would like you to join us permanently." He slowly speaks after a while.

 I meet his optics.

"Is that you or Megatron speaking?" I ask defensively. 

He takes a step forward toward me.

"Join me permanently."

I bite my derma and take a step toward him.

"Barricade I-" I was cut off with his rough dermas on mine and arms around my form.

 I couldn't fight anymore, I kissed him back with need and craving. I haven't seen him in so long...

I pulled away and placed my servos on his chassis, looking up into his optics.

"I can't betray my brother... but I can't leave you." I whisper quietly. 

He cradles my helm with his servos, optics locked on mine.

"Stay with me sweetspark." He whispers, dermas hovering above mine. 

"Let me see him..." I whine, grabbing his shoulder plates.

 He places his dermas slowly, giving me another kiss.

"Once." He growls.

"Will you then come with me?" He questions.

I nod, wrapping my arms around his chassis- letting a single energon tear slide down my faceplate. 

He wipes it away with his digit, holding me close.

We park a few blocks away from the N.E.S.T base.

"I will be waiting." He informs me over our com link. 

"Thank you." I say, then drive off toward the base. 

When I pull up to the gate, a soldier posted outside knocks on my window. 

I open it, revealing the empty seat. He whips his head toward other soldiers, motioning them to ready their weapons.

 Not having any patience, I transform. The soldiers aim their weapons up at me.

"I'm a fragging Autobot! Don't you see the symbol!" I growl. 

They look at each other, one quietly talking over a walkie talkie. My audio receptors pick up the words 'Optmius Prime' and 'threat'. 

Not wanting to wait any longer, I jump over the gate and run into base. I hear soldiers yelling from behind and sirens going off.

 Running into the main room, I am grabbed by two Autobots. 

I look over my captors, a mech with a broad, black body and big cannons and another mech with a yellow green finish.

 I turn my attention to Optimus who has other Autobots flanked at his sides.

"State you designation and motive."

I ignore him and see Jazz to his left. My optics widen and I struggle in the mechs' grasp.


My brother freezes in shock. 

"R-roulette?!" He stutters surprised. 

The mechs release me as the tall black-bodied mech questions Jazz.

"Do you know her?" He asks in a gruff voice. 

Jazz slowly nods, stepping forward to me.

"I- I haven't seen you since I left Cybertron!" He exclaims. 

We embrace each other in reunion. Some energon tears run down my faceplate. 

"I've missed you." I whisper in his audio receptor. 

"You too sis." He whispers back.

 I wipe my tears away and pull away with a smile, soon turning into a frown. I bite my derma, sighing and wiping another silent tear.

"Roulette, what's wrong?"

He places his servos on my shoulder plates.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." I cry.

"Sorry for what!? Roulette! Tell me!" He urges. 

Before I can explain, another alarm goes off with the sound of a familiar engine. 

The cruiser roars into the room, sending the Autobots into defensive stances.

"NO! DON'T SHOOT!" I shout running over to the transforming police car. 

Barricade wraps his arms around me as I sob into his chassis.

"What is going on here?" Optimus demands. 

Barricade looks down at me and back to Optimus.

"She is coming with me." He states grimly.

"Your not going nowhere with my sister you fragging Deception!" Jazz shouts. 

"I did not make the decision... she did." Barricade turns to Jazz. 

I pick my helm up slightly to meet Jazz's optics that were filled with tears.

"U-until we meet a-again... brother." I say, choking on my own words. 

"NO!" He howls, charging for us. 

Before any of the bots have a chance at us, Barricade and I are already speeding out of the base. 

I never looked back, not once.

Thanks for reading! More of your requests will be posted soon!


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