You Are So Annoying

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Liv sat in a booth at the small diner right at the heart of Hawkins. She clutched a warm mug full of black coffee in her hands and starred blankly at the table. These past few months had been weighing heavy on her. This coming year was to be her last at Hawkins High. Just a few weeks ago she had received her letter from Brown University granting her acceptance and full scholarship. Liv is arguably the smartest person in the town, always making the right choices and living cautiously...until she met him; Billy Hargrove.

It was like he appeared out of thin air. No. Seriously. Billy appeared out of no where, crashing into Liv's quiet time at the diner. It was nearly 10 PM, but the place was typically a 24 hour type deal with the exceptions of Sundays and Mondays. Today was a Friday. The Friday before the first Monday of her last year of high school.

Her eyes slowly looked up from the table to be greeted by a pair staring back at her. He looked to be about her age, but she had never seen him before. Hawkins was a very small town. Everyone knew everyone. Maybe not personally, or by name, but at least in passing. This guy was a total mystery and Liv was not interested.

"Do you mind?" She spoke, a rude tone laced in her voice.

"Not at all." His tone nearly matching hers. They sat quietly, just watching each other. Liv was first to break the stare by glancing around the diner to see if this was some type of joke or if he was with someone, but there was no one else. Turning back to him, she scoffed.


"What?" He acted like nothing was wrong, like this wasn't the weirdest encounter with a stranger ever. The boy remained seated and gestured towards the waitress, Mary, to come to the table. "Coffee." He demanded.

"Do you not have manners?" Liv shot at him. "A normal person would say please or thank you."

He ignored her. "Everything alright Liv?" Mary questioned. This was her first time seeing  the boy as well. He definitely didn't look like he was from around here.

"Yes, Mary. Thank you." After Mary gathered a mug and poured fresh coffee into it, she went back over to the counter, leaving them alone once again. "What is your deal?" She snapped.

"What do you mean?" He questioned, drinking from the mug after putting some sugar in it. Liv narrowed her eyes at him. She didn't know if this guy was a complete idiot or if he was just messing with her. He chuckled slightly at her expression. "Name's Billy."


"And what?"

"What the hell do you want, Billy?"

"Does everyone in this shit town have the same shit attitude as you?"

"Only when you sit at their table uninvited."

"Fair enough." He smirked. "You looked lonely."

"I'm perfectly content with being alone."

"Nah, not girls like you." He shook his head.

"You don't know me." Liv scoffed again. Billy was really starting to piss her off, yet she remained completely still in the booth. Something in the back of her mind kept her there without realizing it. She could easily just get up and go. She didn't need to hear this shit, but she stayed.

"Hmm...." Billy took a moment to think and observed her appearance. "You're a cheerleader, but not just A cheerleader, you're THE cheerleader. Captain? Am I right so far?" Liv remained silent, but felt her face begin to heat up. "Going into your senior year, boyfriend just dumped you, unsure about your future....should I keep going?"

"You're an asshole."

"Holy shit!" He exclaimed. "Was I right?"

"Are you some sort of stalker or something?"

Against All Odds - A Billy Hargrove StoryWhere stories live. Discover now