Why Me?

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Liv found herself almost too eager to go to school come Monday morning. All she could think about Sunday was how she was going to explain herself to Billy. There really wasn't a way to explain without sounding like a total idiot, but she wanted him to know that what he witnessed Saturday wasn't who she is. Never in her life had she been drunk and she didn't plan on doing it ever again. Lesson learned.

Right on cue, Mandy pulled up in the Wheeler's drive way. "Bye mom!" She shouted before slamming the front door shut, not waiting to hear a response.

"Wait!" Mike came running out after Liv. She stopped and turned to face her brother. "Can you take me to school? My bike has a flat and I don't ha...-"

"Mike, of course. You don't need to explain." Mike went running past Liv and jumped into the back seat of Mandy's car. The two always had a great relationship. Liv always helped take care of Mike and look after him. There's nothing she wouldn't do for him. This past year, things had been different though. Mike had been very distance. Not just with her, but their entire family. Liv just brushed it off as a thing with boys his age. Perhaps it wasn't 'cool' to hang around your older sister anymore.

Arriving at school, Liv suddenly found herself wondering why she was eager to be here. Her stomach turned to knots as they pulled into the Hawkins parking lot. Quickly scanning the parking lot, she didn't see Billy's car anywhere in sight. Right as Mandy put her vehicle in park, Mike jumped out thanking them in the process.

The two hadn't realized they didn't speak the entire car ride. It was unusual for the pair. Typically they'd both blab on and on about school, or a movie, or some hot throb. Today, nothing, and it wasn't just because Mike was there.

Mandy had begun to resent Liv. She didn't understand the hype anymore. After the rumors she heard about Liv's behavior at her party, she began to wonder why anyone liked Liv. She was nothing but a slut. "Hey, Liv, I think...-" Mandy began, but she was cut off by the sound of an engine roaring and tires squealing into a parking space. Liv felt her heart rate increase at the noise. She took one look at Billy's car then looked back at Mandy.

"I'll catch up with you later." This was the forth time since last Monday that Liv had said something of the sort to Mandy. It was always to ditch her and Katelyn for Billy. At least that's what she thought. Mandy simply rolled her eyes and walked off to find Katelyn.

Liv looked back at Billy's car. Max got out of the passenger seat and stalked off towards the middle school. Billy remained inside. His left hand hung out the window, cigarette between his index and middle finger, while Motley Crue could be heard playing inside. Taking a deep breath and clutching onto the books in her hands, she forced herself to take a step forward in his direction. This felt entirely impossible for no reason at all. It was so stupid.

"Can I talk to you?" She spoke once she reached the drivers side door. Billy looked up at her then stubbed out the cigarette in the ash tray in his car and turned off the music.

"Get in." He nodded to the passenger seat. Liv took a quick look around the lot, suddenly feeling self conscious. She didn't even remember the last time she was in his car. She was too drunk to function. It was strange, but she had some things to get off her chest so she went around and got inside. Billy turned and looked at her, just as effortlessly beautiful as ever, he thought.

"Look..um..I wanted to apologize for my behavior at the party. I don't remember all what happened, but I'm sure I was awful, and I want you to know that I'm not like that...at all. It was my first time ever having more than one drink in a sitting and I really over did it. I just don't..-"

Billy began to laugh, which halted Liv's rambling. She felt her cheeks grow warm, thinking she'd embarrassed herself even further. "Olivia..." His eyes never faltered from her face. "what are you getting at?"

"I don't know...I just felt like I needed to explain myself and my poor decision. I don't want you thinking less of me."

"Are you going to be giving everyone else this speech today?" Billy questioned.

Liv gave him a tight lipped smile and shook her head. He was teasing her in a playful manner. "No. You're the only lucky one."

"Why me?" Billy looked away for the first time since she had got into the car. The question made him uncomfortable but he couldn't resist the urge to ask. What had made him so different? Why did she care what he thought of her? Liv feared his question but she couldn't leave it unanswered. Why him? Thinking back to her short conversation with Nancy yesterday, she knew exactly why.

"You're different." She simply explained. It was the best answer she could give, and it was the truth. Billy was different from anyone she had ever known in the best way. He turned his gaze back to her and smirked. Before he could reply the sound of the first bell caught Liv's attention. Her eyes widen in fear. "Shit, we're gonna be late." She quickly opened the car door and shut it behind her. Billy remained unmoved. "Aren't you coming?" She asked, bending over to speak through the rolled down window.

"Go on. I'll be there." He needed a moment to himself, and he didn't know if it was best for Liv's reputation for them to be strolling in together if they happened to be late. For the first time he worried about what his fellow class mates thought.

Thankfully, Liv arrived to class on time. She had never been late before and it would have looked bad to begin during her senior year. Billy on the other hand was late, but that was nothing new. School was never something he gave a shit about. He stooled into chemistry without a care in the world.

"Glad you could join us, Mr Hargrove." Mrs Summers said with a bit of annoyance in her voice as Billy strutted to his seat. Billy looked over at Liv and winked, giving her a glimpse of that sexy smile of his. A smile broke onto Liv's face and she did her best to try to conceal it. She felt so silly for being nervous about talking to him this morning. Even though they had only known each other for just over a week, she should have known better. Billy would never be the type of person to judge her for her actions. No matter how moronic they were.

Thankfully no one was paying attention to them for the first time so the interaction between them went unnoticed to everyone, with the exception of Mandy. After what she just witnessed the gears in her mind began turning. It was time for Hawkins to have a new queen. Liv was so last year and it was Mandy's turn to reign.

I managed to post three chapters in one day! Craaaaazzzzyyyy. Hope you're all enjoying the story so far. The next chapter will begin the real drama. More to come soon! :)

Against All Odds - A Billy Hargrove StoryWhere stories live. Discover now