Billy, You Moron

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"You're coming to Tina's party right?" Katelyn asked, as her and Liv stood beside their lockers.

"I didn't want to, especially after what happened at Mandy's, but Billy is insisting."

"So you won't be getting sheet-faced?" Katelyn joked.

"No." Liv chuckled. "I'll be sticking with my usual water."

"What's going on with you two?"

"Who?" Liv played stupid, not really wanting to answer the question.

"Billy, you moron. Who else would I be talking about?"

"I don't know. Things between Mandy and I have been...weird. You could have been mentioning her."

Katelyn thought for a moment. They have been very strange. "Yeah...that too. What the hell is going on?"

Liv shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. She doesn't really talk to me anymore. It's not like I don't attempt to speak to her because I's like she doesn't listen or give a shit."

"She's been doing that to me as well."

Since the day Billy and Liv bailed on school and made out in the middle of the woods, Mandy's presence in their little group has become non-exsistant. The past four days they haven't spoken a word to each other. Mandy had even made a habit of ditching cheer practice everyday. It was well known throughout the entire student body that Billy and Liv were basically an item now. There was no official label or anything, but things were definitely different, not only between the two of them, but how they were treated by others.

Most of the guys at school feared Billy, which lead to them watching the way they look at and speak around Liv. They were scared Billy would kick their asses if they said something to upset her or if their eyes lingered too long on her perfectly formed body. Girls kept their distance from Billy as well, but for different reasons. Though Liv was an all around kind and loving person, you wouldn't want to be on her bad side. She could make or break your reputation around Hawkins High.

"And what about Billy?" Liv thought that by bringing up Mandy she'd be able to bypass the Billy questions, but Katelyn was determined to receive an answer. It's been long enough. She finally deserved an answer from her best friend.

"Billy is...I don't know." Liv shrugged her shoulders again, but smiled as she leaned against the lockers. She bit her lip, attempting to hold back her emotions, as she thought about the way he makes her feel. Since his arrival in Hawkins, Liv felt like an entirely different person yet she remained unchanged. Around him, she felt alive for the first time.

"The look on your face says it all." Katelyn laughed, grabbing her books, then slamming the locker shut. "Are you still coming over after school to get ready?" They usually got ready together before any party or social outing. This would be the first time Mandy wasn't invited to join.

"Actually, Nancy wants me to help her with her hair, so can we do my house instead?"

"Yeah, sure." Katelyn looked past Liv as she saw Billy coming down the hall towards them. "Oh..speaking of." She laughed and took that as her sign to exit. "See ya after school, bitch." Then walked off to the last class of the day.

"Hey, beautiful." Billy spoke, finally reaching her. He was quick to wrap her in his arms and grace her skin with his lips. The past four days have been nothing but affection between the two of them. They kept their PDA to a minimum at school since Billy knew Liv wasn't a big fan of it, but when they were alone, it was in full force. "Still coming tonight?" This was the third time today he's asked Liv. He's been expecting her to change her answer.

"Ask again and I'll say no." She teased. Liv removed herself from his embrace and shoved her bag in her locker then shut the door after grabbing her calculus text book.

"I don't know how you manage with these fucking classes." He said, looking right at her calculus book. Billy always took the most easy classes available, mainly because he hated school, but also because he didn't give a shit. Liv on the other hand loved school.

"They're college requirements."

"College?" Billy questioned. They had yet to talk about her leaving for Brown or what their plans were for after high school. Billy had no idea Liv was not only planning on attending college, but she planned on attending a school not in Indiana or a neighboring state. She dreaded the conversation and avoided talk of school with him altogether.

"Yeah, if I decide to go." She lied, immediately regretting her words. They were going to come back and bite her in the ass. That much was certain.

"Well, where would you go?"

"I haven't thought that far ahead." She lied again. Billy looked down at her as she adverted her eyes from his. The bell rang, saving her from the conversation, but the damage was done. She had lied to Billy and he knew it. It was clear on her face. Liv obviously forgot Billy could read her like a book. There's nothing she could keep from him. "Don't forget Katelyn is taking me home so don't wait for me." She reminded him.

"Okay." Billy replied, holding back the frown attempting to form on his face. Liv reached up and quickly planted a kiss on his lips before venturing off to calculus, leaving Billy lost in his thoughts.

I am so sorry for not updating at all these past few days! The holiday left me crazy busy with school and work. I also apologize for this shit update where basically nothing interesting happened. It's just a build up for the next chapter, which is obviously Tina's party.

But anyway, thanks for reading!

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