I Don't Dance

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The first week of school went by like a breeze. Billy and Liv had spent the entire week flirting endlessly while Billy also managed to take over the school. He was basically the new king of everything and everyone. Yeah, just in one week.

Before Liv knew it it was Saturday night and she was at Mandy's house helping her set up for the first party of the school year. Mandy's parents were never around which lead to her house being the ultimate destination for partying. It meant liquor, drugs, and yes, sex, and not an adult around to tell them otherwise. It also helped that Mandy's house was tucked in the woods with no neighbors. They could all be as loud and wild as they wanted.

Liv was usually on the mellow side. She'd have one drink, if that, then spend the night babysitting her friends. Always responsible, always careful. This night was different. She had decided since this was going to be the last first high school party of the year, she was going to enjoy herself, not worry about others. This, of course, was not the best night for her to decide to go all out.

Within the next hour, people began flooding into the house. Kids from Hawkins High and even the neighboring high schools attended. It was always the same crowd, nothing new. Until he walked in the door. Billy Hargrove.

By the time he got there, Liv was on her fifth cup of what ever mixture someone put into the bowl. No one really had any idea what they were drinking, just that it was packed with liquor and it tasted fairly gross, but no one cared. As long as it got them drunk, no one complained. That's why Liv kept accepting cup after cup handed to her. She wanted to get drunk. She wanted to enjoy the party.

Liv was dancing inside with one of the basketball jocks from another school when she saw him. It was like he walked into the room and she immediately sensed his presence. She gravitated toward him. "Billy!" She shouted, releasing her grip on the jock and rushing over to him. Practically jumping into his arms, Billy caught the drunk teen and held her still against himself. A feeling of anger crept up inside him as he looked down at her then back up to the dude she was dancing with. The two made eye contact, and the jock quickly looked else where after seeing the enraged look on Billy's face. He wasn't seen or heard from the rest of the night.

"Let's dance? Do you wanna dance?" Liv grabbed his hand and attempted to pull him into the living room area. "Come on." Billy didn't budge.

"Actually...let's go get a drink." He suggested, looking down at her.

"Okay." She smiled, kept the hold she had on his hand and dragged him to the kitchen. Billy followed closely behind Liv, glaring at any boy who dared to look at her. Liv was completely oblivious to the stares. She simply didn't care.

When they arrived in the kitchen, Billy released her hand and went to the fridge. He pulled out a bottle of water and handed it to Liv, while grabbing himself a beer.

"What the hell is this?!" She slurred with a giggle. "This isn't a drink." She attempted to hand the bottle back and take his beer instead. Billy wasn't having it.

"No." He responded firmly. "Drink the water." But she didn't move. "Look...drink the water and I'll get you a beer, okay?"

Liv's eyebrows knitted together and a pout formed on her lips. It was hard to reject such a face, but he knew it was for her own good. If any other girl had done this shit, he wouldn't have cared. Liv was different. Just in their week of knowing each other, Billy caught feelings for her. For once in his entire life he gave a damn. He placed his hand over hers on the bottle and removed the cap, allowing it to be easier for the drunken girl to drink.

She sighed dramatically, "Fine." Then brought the bottle to her lips, taking a quick swig. "Happy?" She flung her arms in the air, spilling some of the water in the process.

Against All Odds - A Billy Hargrove StoryWhere stories live. Discover now