Chapter Thirteen

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*20 Minutes Later*

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*20 Minutes Later*

We arrived at a club where the party was being held. A guy was standing by the door checking people's name as they entered. 

Guy: Name?

TaeHyung: Kim Tae Hyung and Park Y/N.

Guy: ( He checked our names).Have a good time.

The room was filled with so many people. We made our way through the crowd and found a place to sit.

TaeHyung: I'll go get us some drinks. Wait here.

Y/n: Ok. Hurry back.

I looked around. Is this what a club is always like? I wouldn't know. I mean I have never gone to one. I might not be the best but I'm a decent person. I was underage so I didn't drink, smoke or go clubbing.  

As I was waiting for Taehyung I saw a guy staring at me. Is he staring at me? I was getting nervous. He was really handsome but creepy. When I met his eyes he smirked. Chills went down my spine. He then got up an walk toward me. Should I move? I should. I tried to get up but my legs couldn't move.

???: Can I buy you a drink?

I look at him blankly. He laughed.

???: I'm Jimin. Is this your first time here?

 I didn't know what to say but it would be rude to ignore so I told him my name.

Y/n: I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you Jimin.

Jimin: A pretty name for a pretty girl. 

I blushed, wait...Y/N, whats wrong with you, you have a boyfriend.

Jimin: ( to bartender) Two martini. ( then he turned to face me) Do you drink?

Y/n: No...I actually just turned 18.

Jimin: Oh, so this is your first time?

Y/n: Yeah...pretty much.

Jimin: Do you have a boyfriend?

Y/n: Actually, I do.

He looked a bit disappointed.

Jimin: That was a stupid question. Of course, a pretty girl like you has a boyfriend.He's a lucky man.

I laughed.

Jimin: What's so funny.

Y/n: Actually, I'm the lucky one. He is this amazing guy. I don't know how I manage to steal his heart. It's like a dream come true. But shouldn't  a handsome guy like you also have a girlfriend.

Jimin: He sounds like a great guy and I actually don't have a girlfriend.

Y/n: Why not? All the girl are probably head over heels for you.

Jimin: That's the thing. They're always forcing themselves on me. I don't like it. I'm just waiting for my Miss Right.

Y/n: Well, I wish you luck.

Jimin: Why Thank You.

He is so cute. How can he be hot and cute at the same time?

Jimin: Wanna dance?

Y/n:( I blushed ) I don't know how?

He chuckled.

Jimin: I'll show you.

He dragged me with him as I protested. He stopped in the middle of the dance floor. He started dancing to the rhythm. Wow! He is GOOD. He then grabbed my hands and we started dancing. We were laughing and having fun when suddenly someone grabs my hand harshly and pulled me away.

???: What do you think you're doing?!?

I looked up to see TaeHyung. He looked really angry. He glared at me and Jimin. He was holding onto my hand so hard, It was hurting.

Y/n: Taehyung-ah, It hurts.

He just stared at Jimin. Jimin could see that I was struggling to get my hands freed.

Jimin: Let her go.

TaeHyung: Why should I? Is she your girlfriend?

Jimin: You're hurting her.

Taehyung quickly lets go of me. Jimin then pulled me near him. Taehyung was looking madder his face red from anger.

TaeHyung: Don't touch her.

Jimin: I won't let you hurt her.

TaeHyung: She is MINE. She's my girlfriend, not yours. 

Jimin looked so shocked.

Jimin: The more reason for you not to hurt her. 

TaeHyung: It's none of your business. 

He then grabbed my hands and dragged me away.

Y/n: Ouch, Taehyung-ah you're hurting me.

He let go. 

TaeHyung: I left you for a few minute and you were already all over someone else.

I was so hurt by his word. I couldn't help it. Tears were running down my eyes.

Y/N: TaeHyung-ah, what do you mean? All over someone...

TaeHyung: Don't try to deny it I saw you. The way you were dancing with that guy that you don't even know. Don't think those fake tears of yours can fool me. You know what, I don't want to see you right now.

What?  Why is he doing this? I didn't know what to do so I just ran. I ran as far away as I could. Quicker! faster! I ran and ran until I couldn't anymore. I was crying so hard. Why did he say that? Why? My knees were weak. I fell down on the cold hard floor.

I was in the middle of the sidewalk just crying. Taehyung didn't even follow me. I guess he doesn't  care. Luckily there was no one outside to see me crying and in a mess. After I calmed down   I decided to head home since it was late. Today was a horrible day.

On the way home I decided to buy some beers. let's get drunk. Let's drink our problems away. Just for today!

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