Chapter Eighteen

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Why can't I open my eyes? Where am I? Where's everyone? What happened? JungKook? Where are you? I couldn't feel my body

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Why can't I open my eyes? Where am I? Where's everyone? What happened? JungKook? Where are you? I couldn't feel my body. I wanted to open my eyes, I wanted to get up. I tried and tried but I couldn't. Then I heard loud beepings. 

???: HELP!!!

I heard people rushing in.

Doctor: Mr.Jeon, we need you to move aside.

JungKook: Please, help her. Save her!

Doctor: We will try our best!


JungKook: Is she ok?

Doctor: She's in a stable condition but we don't know when she'll wake up.

Why can I hear everything but I can't move?

Someone sat beside me and put my hands into theirs.

JUngKook: Y/n, please wake up. I miss you. 

I could feel his tears gently hitting my hands.

JungKook: Please, don't leave me. I need you. Our son needs you. Please.

I wanted to open my eyes and tell him I was alright. I wanted to hug him and never let go. I kept on trying and trying but in the end, it was no use.


Nurse: Mr.Jeon, you should go home. You haven't even eaten in days. We'll take care of your wife.

JungKook: I'm fine. I need to be here for her. She needs me. 

The nurse just shook her head and I sat down again holding onto y/n's hands. Why won't she wake up? I need her. Our son needs her. 

JungKook: Y/n? Can you hear me? ( I stroke her head). Please. Come back to me. 

I cried myself to sleep.

*Y/N's POV*

I slowly open my eyes to the brightness of the room. I felt my whole body ached. As I was about to get up I felt something on my hands. I turn to see JungKook who was sleeping peacefully, his hands in mine. He looked tired and worn out.

I lift up my other hand and caress his cheeks. 

Y/n: ( weakly) Kookie, I miss you.

Jungkook slowly opens his eyes as I gave him a smile. 

JungKook: Y/n. You're awake. 

He gave me a long hug.

JungKook: I thought you were going to leave me. (He sobbed). I was so scared. 

Y/n: Kookie, I'm fine now. Please, don't cry. I miss you too.

JungKook: Don't scare me like that ever again. My heart can't handle it.

Y/n: Where's my son?

JungKook: He's fine. Don't worry. I'll get the doctor.

He kissed my forehead and walked out.

After a few minutes, the doctor and nurses walked in.

Dr.Jin: Y/n, how do you feel?

Y/n: I'm fine, my body just feels a bit sore.

He checked my eyes and asked some questions. 

Nurse: Here, drink some water.

She handed me the water and I took a sip. I didn't even realize how thirsty and hungry I was.

JungKook: Jagi, slow down.

Y/n: How long have I been here?

Doctor: You were in a coma for 4 days.

I looked at them, shocked. 

Y/n: Why? Is everything alright? What happened?

Dr.Jin: After you gave birth, the bleeding wouldn't stop. We tried and tried. Luckily we were able to stop the bleeding just in time. If you have lost any more blood, you would have lost your life. It's a good thing we were prepared. If we didn't know about what kind of situation you would be in after giving birth, we might have lost you.

JungKook: She's fine now, right?

Dr.Jin: Don't worry, she's doing fine. As long as she get's a lot of rest. She'll be fine. She's really lucky. It's a miracle that she stills remember you. Most patients who wake up after a coma usually lose their memories. She must really love you ( he looked at JungKook).

Jungkook was blushing. Then a nurse walked in holding a cute little baby.

She handed him to me.  I looked at his little cute face. He looks a lot like his dad. I kiss his small little hands. 

He stared at me and gave me the cutest smile

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He stared at me and gave me the cutest smile. He has his dad's smile. I shed some tears. I miss him. Don't worry Taehyung, wherever you are. I'll take care of our son. 

Y/n: Taekwon, mommy is here now. I won't leave you ever again.

JungKook walked over to us and rested his head on mine.

Jungkook: Daddy is here too. We'll take good care of you. I'll be just the three of us. Daddy, mommy and our little bundle of joy. 

Taekwon gave us a cute smile and giggled. 

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