Chapter Fifteen

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Jungkook: Good Morning, Beautiful.( He smiled).

I quickly let go of him. What is he doing here? Where Taehyung? Wasn't I with him last night? I'm so confused.

JungKook: Is something wrong?

Y/n: What are you doing here?

JungKook: Wow, I'm not welcome here anymore? ( he looked hurt).

Y/n: Kookie, It's not that. It's just last night Taehyung and I ...we were together last night. When did you arrive?

JungKook: I arrived quite a while ago maybe an hour or two.

Y/n: Why didn't you wake me up?

JungKook: You looked so peaceful. Also, the room was a mess. I had to clean. It was still very early too and I did it all because of you.( He ruffled my hair and pouted).

Y/n: So, you didn't see Taehyung?

JungKook: No, I didn't. Maybe he had some important things to do.

Y/n: Maybe...

JungKook: We should eat. The food is getting cold.

Y/n: It looks delicious, Thanks.( I kissed his cheeks).

JungKook: What are friends for?

We ate in silence. JungKook's cooking is amazing. He has improved. I could eat this every day. I should start calling him Jungcook.

Y/n: Not bad. I thought you were going to burn the house.

He picked up some food and stuffed it in my mouth.

JungKook: Say the person who can't even use the microwave let alone cook.( He laughed).

After we finished Jungkook helped me wash the dishes.

Y/n: Aigoo, look at you. There is something on your face.

JungKook: Where is it?

Y/n: Come here.

He leaned over and gave me a bunny smile. He is so adorable.

JungKook: Aren't you going to help me?

I gently slapped his face. He glared at me with his face covered in bubbles. I started laughing.

JungKook: PARK Y/N! You're going to die!

He got some soap bubble and chase me around the house.

Y/n: I'm sorry, I won't do it again. Please forgive me. Please!!

He finally caught up with me and started tickling my stomach.

Y/n: Please, JungKook! I won't do it again. I promised. ( I said in between my laughs).

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