Chapter Twenty-Eight

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He smirked as his hands went under my dress and up my tights

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He smirked as his hands went under my dress and up my tights. What is happening? Why can't I move? Why is my mind so clear but my body is all numb? No! Please...NO... Is this it? Taehyung-ah. Where are you? Someone help me! TAEHYUNG-AH!!!!! 

I could feel the hot tears running down cheeks as I tried to scream for help. Jihyun ripped my dress open and started planting wet kisses on my neck. I used the last of my strength which I thought wasn't there to bite his ear. I could see blood dripping down. He shoved me and touch his ear.

JiHyun:  F**K! it's bleeding. YOU B***H! YOU"RE GOING TO PAY!

He slapped my face and took off the remainder of my clothes. I guess this is it.  I was about to give up, I was losing all my energy and hope, but the door slammed open and the next thing I saw was Taehyung holding me in his arms, crying out my name. I could see tears run down his face as he pulled me closer.

TaeHyung: I'm so sorry, this is all my fault.  I should have never left you. I'm so sorry...

Y/n: ( Weakly) Taehyung-ah...

I gave him a weak smile, I was so relieved to see him. The last thing I saw was Taehyung pulling me into a tight hug.


I was walking down the street when suddenly I saw a dark figure coming toward me. I started to feel uneasy. I kept a brave face and walked quicker trying to get away as fast as I could. I walked past the hooded person and as I thought I was safe someone walk right in front of me. 

JiHyun: (With a smirk) You think you could escape from me? NEVER!! ( he laughed evilly).

He started chasing me as I ran for my life. What is he doing here? I kept on running, I didn't dare look back. I could almost feel the cold, long finger touching my neck. No...Taehyung-ah?!? No... Someone save me. 

I tripped sp I crawl my way to an ally. I couldn't hear anything. It was so quiet, too quiet. That was when I realized I was completely naked. What happened? The last thing I remember was being in Taehyung's arm. Where is he? I couldn't see a living thing around me.  I got up and look around to see if Jihyun caught up with me. Just then I heard whistling. 

JiHyun: (Whistling) Come out. I know you're here. Come out, come out wherever you are.

I could see the smirk on his lips forming into a laugh. 

JiHyun: Y/n? Y/n...Y/ n... You can't escape. No one can save you now. You're all MINE!

I covered my mouth, too scared that I might make a sound. I think I stop breathing for awhile. Just then I heard footsteps walking away. whew... Is he gone? I took a deep breath and thank my lucky star when suddenly I felt warm breath on my face. I slowly opened my eyes, my inside was tossing and turning. 

JiHyun: Boo!

He grabbed me and drag my naked body across the cold hard cement road. I screamed for dear life. 


He seemed to get bigger and bigger, laughing at me.

JiHyun: No one can hear you. I got you now! Not even your precious Taehyung can save you.

Nooo...This can not be happening. Someone PLEASE...Help me. I could feel the tears running down my cheeks. My whole body shaking. 

???: Y/n? Y/n? 

I opened my eyes to a dark room with a small lamp which was barely lighting the room. I could feel my whole body wet with sweat and tears. 

TaeHyung: Are you ok? It looked like you had a bad dream. I was trying to wake you up.

Y/n: Taehyun-ah...(I started crying harder). Jihyun...he...he 

TaeHyung: It's ok. It's ok, You're safe now. 

I cried on his bare chest. 

Y/n: I was so scared. I thought, I thought I would never see you again. I thought I was going to be gone for good...

TaeHyung: Shh...It's ok. I'm here. You're safe now. JiHyun can't hurt you anymore. 

It was just a bad dream. I'm ok now. Taehyung is safe too. Don't cry anymore. You're safe. I held onto his waist tighter. I could feel his warm body on mine. Wait... his skin.  As my eyes adjusted to the dark I could see that we were on a bed with big blankets layered over us. I felt my body. I wasn't wearing anything except my underwear and bra! Taehyung was also only in his underwear! I quickly let go and scooted over to the other side.

Y/n: Are we naked? 


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