Buster's Gym

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"Mickey knock it the fuck off," Mandy whispered harshly, whirling around in her seat to glower at Mickey. The boy just smirked at her and started to tap his pen louder against the desk.

It was 7:30, only fifteen minutes into the horrendous class that was chemistry. Mickey had been held back two years and therefore he was in the same grade as his sister, which sucked for him. He already saw enough of her at the house. He didn't want to spend any more time with her than he had to. "I'm being serious. Stop it now or I take the pen and shove it up your-"

"Amanda! What's the problem?" The teacher asked sternly. He stopped writing in mid-sentence on the chalkboard and turned to face her, folding his arms over his chest.

Mandy rolled her eyes. "First off, its Mandy. And second off, nothing's wrong, Mr. Sterns. I've got it covered," she mumbled. The teacher continued to stare, squinting his eyes as if he could see right through her and find the truth. Mickey had a shit eating grin on his face the whole time and to piss Mandy off even more, he started to kick the back of her chair. Mandy's fists clenched and the second the teacher turned back around, Mandy whirled around in her chair again. "Knock it off, shit-breath. Or I tell dad you were the one that took his pack of cigarettes."

The tapping and kicking immediately stopped, Mickey just glaring at her instead. "Cheap shot," he muttered, looking away from her and doodling something on his empty notes. Mandy smirked at him and turned back around in her seat. "Asshole," Mickey mumbled under his breath and Mandy flipped him off over her shoulder.

It had only taken a week for the other students to realize that the disturbances from the Milkovich kids were an everyday thing. Mandy would either be yelling at Mickey or flirting with guys while the teacher was teaching and Mickey would either be picking on the other kids or even the teacher if he wanted to. Bottom line was, all learning that was supposed to be happening in the room was being prevented from the two obnoxious siblings.

"Mickey, we haven't heard from you in a while. Why don't you tell us how to solve this problem," the teacher said. Mickey ignored him, his head down writing his name in graffiti letters onto the margins of his tore up notebook. "Mickey!" The teacher said louder.

"I don't have hearing aids. You don't have to yell," he grumbled.

The teacher placed his hand on his hip and tapped impatiently. "That's good for you. Now can you tell us how you think we solve this?"

A small smile spread across Mickey's face and he shrugged. "Yeah sure, why not. You know the fucking pressure and volume and you gotta find the temperature. So you take the pressure and volume and shove it up your ass." This little comment got a few snickers from a couple of students, including Mandy.

"Hallway. Now," he said, pointing to the hallway. The veins in his neck were popping out and his face was so red Mickey was sure smoke was going to come out of his ears.

"Oh, come on, man. We were just gettin' started I thought," he said, smirking.

"Now, Mikhailo. Unless you'd rather go to the office," he threatened but it wasn't necessary. Mickey rolled his eyes and stood up. He slung his bag over his shoulder, gathered his books in his hand and walked out. "And wait for me after class!" He called before Mickey slammed the door shut.

"Fuckin' asshole," he mumbled under his breath. He dropped his bag with a loud thud and slid down the wall, leaning his head back. The second he did that though his phone buzzed, lighting up in his pocket. He sighed and pulled it out.

Mandy {7:35} : you're a dumb ass, mick.

Mickey laughed, knowing  Mandy was joking. She liked it when Mickey messed around in class sometimes and he knew for a fact that he had made her laughed.

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