Chapert 4

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Kyler's Pov

I felt a soft touch on my shoulder. I flinched away and opened my eyes in terror. A pair of soft brown eyes looked at me sadly.

"Um, we're here.." He mumbled.

I looked at him and then realized, they took me away from my only family.

I pounded on the door desperately trying to get out. The door was locked, trapping me inside with these monsters. I screamed and thrashed around in the leather seat. I took ahold of the metal part of the seat belt and pounded it onto the glass of the window. The window make a huge cracking noise and had made a huge crack going through it. I kept doing it until the glass was almost all broken threw, but I felt a heavy arm around my stomach. The man pulled me out of the van.

"Let me go! GET OFF!" I screamed as I kicked and thrashed around.

The man softly grunted as I dug the heels of my shoes into the concrete ground. He sighed and flipped me onto his shoulder. I pounded my tiny fist into his back, screaming and pleading for him to let me go.

He ignored my pleas, until I felt him pause. I slowed down a bit and put my head up. He placed me on a soft surface, and I heard him walk off. I curled into a ball, crying silently. I felt so much anger for these people. I couldn't fight them! I couldn't do anything at all. I'm just a puny boy. They are like 9 tons of muscles.


I began to hear soft talking and shuffling around me. I closed my eyes tightly and pressed myself into the soft material. To be honest, I don't know what it was. I'm thinking a couch? Maybe.


Liam's pov

"Liam how are you going to make him a happy child, when we can't even touch him?" Zayn asked, as we walk inside.

I looked over at the small boy, curled up into the couch. I sighed and replied, "M' not sure, Zayn."

He gave me a sorry look and walked towards the glass staircase, going upstairs. I looked back at the small boy, and walked towards him.

"I know you don't like me touching you, but here is your bag, Kyler." I mumbled as I placed his bag down beside him.

I smiled lightly as he lifted his head and snatched the bag. He quickly opened it and rummaged through it until he found a small blanket. He rubbed it on his cheek and hugged it. I giggled a bit and walked towards the door and locked it. Just to make sure he didn't run off again. I really don't want him getting hurt.

I jogged upstairs and put all of my stuff away quickly, so I could start dinner soon. I closed the door to my room and walked over to Harry's. I knocked and yelled at him to hurry up to help me with dinner. He told me he'd be right downstairs, and that he needed to finish putting some clothes away.

"Liam! I'm hungry!" Niall yelled from downstairs.

"Niall! Don't you dare eat yet!" I said as I ran downstairs and into the kitchen. And just like I thought, Niall had a mouth full of Oreos. I sighed and took the box he had in his hands.

"Hey!" He whined. I shook my head 'no' as Harry entered the kitchen.

"Ok!" He clapped his hands together, "What should we make?"


"Kyler?" I softly muttered as I touched his shoulder gently.

"Just five more minutes, Barbara." He tiredly mumbled as he pushed me away.

I covered my mouth to suppress my loud chuckles, but I failed as the boy woke up and looked up at me with questioning eyes. I shook my head, smiling at him. He suddenly remembered what he had done, and blushed a deep red.

"M'sorry, I just kinda-" he began.

"Hey, it's alright. I just woke you up for some dinner. Could you please wash up? There's a bathroom just down there, the door with a toilet painted on it." I said smiling.

"A toilet?" He asked as him mouth trembled into a small smile.

"Yes, a toilet. Now go! Shoo!" I said quietly.

He got up and walked down the hallway, finding the bathroom. I laughed and walked into the kitchen. All the boys were sitting there already, throwing broccoli at each other. I gave them a stern look and sighed. They all stopped as soon as Kyler entered the kitchen. He sucked in a breath and tensed up.

"Hello." His small voice flowed through the kitchen. I smiled at him and patted the seat next to mine. He trudged towards the seat and sat down. I looked over towards the boys, and they were all smiling at Kyler.

"So, Kyler, what would you like?" Harry said as he stood up.

He pointed towards the slow cooker, "That is barbecue weenies."

Another pan, "That is Mac'N Cheese." And other more foods that I could even pronounce the names of.

"Just a little bit of the Macaroni and Cheese, thank you." He said quietly. Harry nodded and took ahold of Kyler's plate and put a little bit of the cheesy goodness on it. He put it in front of Kyler, and then the other boys began to eat.


Nobody really talked after that. Kyler just told us a bit about how it was at the Adoption center. It wasn't really good, but he loved the women at the desk.


"So here is your room." I said to Kyler as he walked into the large room.

"I know it's really plain, but we'll go shopping someday." I said to him as he sat down on the bed.

"It's fine, well it's better that anything that I've ever had." He said.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow..." I sad as I began to close the door.

"Liam, wait." He said suddenly. I raised my eyebrows and looked back.

"Yes, Kyler?" I asked him. He shifted a bit.

"Could you, ah, T-Thank you for the food..." He quickly mumbled.

"Oh, yeah, your welcome." I said to him. I closed his door and walked into my room.

This could be our chance to actually be his friend, and let us take care of him.


Well that sucked....

M'sorry I just wanted to update soon :'(


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