Huge update of one-shots!

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(HAVE SOME ONE-SHOTS EEAAHH *throws one-shots at you*)

Somethings are meant to be a secret:

Lighten lanterns hung everywhere because it was some holiday that konaha had celebrated year after year, kakashi didn't really like the idea but he had something better to do.
"Hey kakashi! Get over here!" Naruto yelled, waving at him.
Kakashi jogged over to them and sat down on a stool.
"So how's it been naruto, anything New with sasuke?" Kakashi asked.
"Its all good!" Naruto exclaimed proudly.
"Where's Gaara?" Sakura asked.

Kakashi sighed, "I am sorry that I couldn't come With you, maybe next time Kakashi."
"He couldn't visit, Kazekage work." Kakashi said.
"Well maybe next time then!" Sakura exclaimed.
Kakashi nodded and got up,
"Well....I have to go." Kakashi said.
"Goodbye then!" Sakura and naruto said in sync.

Kakashi teleported to gaara's office and to his surprise....
It was empty, no sign of Gaara anywhere.
Kakashi cursed to himself.
Suddenly he felt warm arms wrap around his chest,
"Sorry for not coming~" The voice whispered.
"Should of told me that the other way gaara, I'd be happy to do it in anyway love~" Kakashi cooed.
Gaara smirked and pressed himself upon the older males body.
"Well why don't you make me yours~"

Melted sand turns to glass:

There was an experiment that everyone knew except naruto.
"Hey Gaara, how can melted sand turn into glass?" Naruto said.
Gaara looked at him.
"Its a long process that I really don't want to go through." Gaara replied.
Naruto sulked, "So if I told sasuke and sakura that you've lost your virginity to Kakashi you'd still say no?" Naruto teased.
Gaara blushed fiercely and backed away in defense.
"Who the hell told you that!?" Gaara stammered.
"I was just joking jeez, we all know that you've been laid know tell me how to make glass with just using sand and fire/magma!" Naruto yelled, what a kid he is.
Gaara sighed.
(I really don't wanna talk about the process so just imagine a Kakashi plushie is right by you)

Mind-switched dazzle~:

Its pretty typical to switch minds but is that true?
"Sasuke, are you sure this will work?" A voice whispered.
Sasuke nodded and climbed into kakashi's bedroom window.
There lying in bed was kakashi, but where was gaara?
"I can't do this properly if ones here and the other is gone." Sasuke mumbled.
"Why don't I go find him, hmm." Naruto whispered.

(Major Timeskip to morning)

Kakashi groaned as sunlight hit his eyes, "Ughhhh." Was all he said before rolling off the bed, after all he wasn't a morning person......

But in the Suna village.....
Gaara was already up, getting straight to work on figuring out the last team seven meeting.
"Kaze-sama? What are you doing?" A voice called from behind.
Gaara looked at the stranger and rose a non-existent eyebrow,
"I uh....woke up early for some reason and I wanted to figure stuff out." Gaara answered.
To his surprised, The person agreed and left.
He sighed in relief and went back to work.

(Days go by and I try so hard to come up with ideas for my stories, hope these little snip-its are ok.)

Gaarashi Oneshots! (Gaara x kakashi!)Where stories live. Discover now