Chapter 9

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( Photo: Stephen aka Chris's Younger Brother)

Narrator POV :

Chris woke up from his slumber with a big box in his room. He squinted from the light that was hitting the lavender room. He got up and checked the box to see what it was. It was his height too and that meant something. He got a pair of scissors and cut them open and a huge cutout of Harry came in. He was alittle shocked. He ordered this before Harry and him went out but its actually sort of weird to have it.

So Chris just left the box in his room and headed off to take a shower and get ready for school. It did take Chris long though, because he spends too much time on his phone reading fan fictions and watching YouTube videos. By the time he finished he was all set up to go. He started up his car but it didn't turn on. " Great " He huffed out loud.

Chris's parents aren't home so they can't drop him, Leigh Ann is at TJ's house (her boyfriend) and Stephen is already at school. There is only one person that came to his mind. Harry. He picked his phone up and called him. Wondering when Harry will pi-

" Hello ?" A very sexy deep voice croaked into the phone as Chris bit his lip and literally had a lady boner. " Hey Harry, sorry if I awoken you " Chris said innocently as Harry yawned. " No it's okay. What's up ? " Chris obviously has interrupted something.

" Um I have to go to school but my car isn't starting and no one is home to drive me there so I was wondering if you could ? " He asked as it was quiet. Than He heard ruffling sheets and than he answered back. " Of course, I'll try and get there fast so you wont be late baby. See you soon " He said as he hung up.

Chris's expression went from calm to HOLY SHIT. Harry called him babe. They have just started going out and he already called him babe. Chris is freaking out right now. Chris ran back inside his house and started texting Lauren.

To: Lauren

You cannot believe what Harry just called me !!! Eeeep !

To : Chris

What just happened ?! I came out the shower I'm not ready for this !! #craycray

To : Lauren

Harry called me babe and now he is going to drive me to school ! I just can't even !!!!! #fangirling

And as soon as Chris sent that, He heard a honk outside infront of hid house. He ran to his window and opened tbe curtain to see his curly locked boyfriend coming out with a white sweater with a headband and some converses.

" Hey beautiful " Harry complimenting him a small peck on the cheek and than a hug. Chris smiled and said " Good morning" As he hopped into the car and they drove off.


" Thanks again " Chris said and they stopped right infront of his school. " Have a good day. Maybe after school you wanna come over to my house ? " He asked as Chris nodded. He shut the door and went for the two doors that opened to the school. He found Lauren standing sitting in the cafeteria waiting for me.

" Did he drop you off ? " Lauren asked ad I also saw Mitchell just sitting there like a panda who hasn't seen a bamboo tree to eat in about three weeks. " He wants me to come over his house tonight ! "

They both jumped up in mid air while Mitchell just sat there. He wasn't happy anymore. After finding out that Chris is now officially dating Harry, he can't do anything. Chris chose him. He's useless. Mitchell felt left out because he still likes Chris and doesn't know how to hang around him without having to show that he has feelings for him.

The bell rang as everyone ran out the cafeteria and to there first period class. Chris had woodshop right now, Lauren and Mitchell have Gym.


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