chapter 2

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Theo POV

I went home alone to get ready for Zoe’s party.  I wore a black T-shirt and jeans. Then I lay at bad to read a little bit but I fall asleep.  At 8 and a half my alarm clock reng and it was the time to pick Shai from her home.

I knocked on her door and she opened to me a few seconds later.

She wore short black dress, the upper part was loose and fell on her shoulder. Her long pretty legs were show. She wore hills, what made her be almost as tall as I am. Her long blonde hair fall in waves on her back. She was beautiful.

Suddenly I paid attention to my heart beating. Sounded like my heart was in a race with the time. And my heart was winning.

“Hey” she said

“Hey” I said, hoping she didn’t hear the break in my voice.

She hugged me like she always does, but I felt she hugged me a few seconds more than usually. My hand moved on her soft hair, and I felt like I can’t get enough air no matter how hard I tried.

“Are you ready to go?” I ask

“Sure let’s go” she said and crossed her fingers with mine while we were going.

“Hey Theo, Shai we’re here!” Zoe yelled and waved with her hand.

“Hey!” Shai walked fast and hugged Zoe and Miles

“You’re looking good Shai” Miles said and laughed

“You too” she said and we went to Zoe’s car.

Shai POV

Zoe drove her car to the club. Miles set at the front of the car near Zoe and me and Theo set at the back of it.

I couldn’t stop thinking about Theo’s eyes when he looked at me. About the crack in his voice and his heart beating when he saw me. I didn't understood why. I don't wanna think about that. But i could feel him sitting right next to me. My cheeks got warm. We came to the club.

"I'm going to the toilet don't wait me" i said

"Fine" Zoe said and went to the bar with Miles and Theo.

At the toilet I looked at the mirror and put my cold hand on my cheeks. They were a little bit pink.

"Breath" I say to my reflection and take a deep breath. I can’t wash my face because I’m wearing make-up.

I went back to the bar and saw Theo sitting alone how many glasses near him. I guess he was drunk.

"Where are Zoe and Miles?" I asked him.

"Dancing" he said and nodded with his head on the dance floor.

"Okay" i said

"Do you wanna dance?" He jumped off his chair on his feet and offed me his hand.

"Sure" i said and we went to the dance floor.

After a few songs the DJ put a slow song and I clanged to Theo. he leaned to my direction and i could feel his warm breath on my cheeks. Something was wrong, something I couldn't point at. It’s not the situation not the song not the dance not our pose.

It was his breath. I thought he was drunk. I thought he offered me to dance because he was drunk and he didn’t know what he’s doing. But he wasn’t. I thought about our hug earlier and I found myself thinking about me and Theo as a couple.  It rushed my heart beating and I felt how warm my ears became. I looked at the floor and Theo moved his face backwards. As the song ended he left the dance floor and went to the bar. He ordered drinks and i knew nothing won't be real about him until tomorrow morning. I went to the bar and ordered a glass of water. I don't like drink alcohol. I watched Theo while i drank my water. He slide from his sit on the bar and went to the dance floor. He danced with the first girl he saw. He started kissing her neck and i tuned my face. I couldn’t see him like that.

I went out of the club and went home. Alone. If I wouldn't wear that heels i could have run, and that could relax me, but i wore that stupid heels. When i got home and set on my couch I could think normally. First I texted Zoe and Miles that I went home, because I didn't want them to worry. Than i took off my dress and wore a T-shirt and short pants. I took off my make-up and cleaned my house a little bit. I did anything to instruct my minds from Theo. I just couldn't think about him. It just was too hurt. I turned on TV and watched a cartoon. I fell asleep on the sofa and woke up around 4am. I turned off the TV and went out to run a little bit. The exercise cleaned my mind. I went to a small restaurant and ordered coffee. I drank it in the restaurant and went out to run to my home. I took a tinny shower and wore training and a big sweatshirt. I took the bus to the set. I came at 6am so i had a free hour. I rad the script and trained a little bit. Sometime around 6:30 Neil came.

"Shai! What you doing here so early in the morning?" He asked

"Well I woke up an hour earlier than I should have" i said


"No, I just woke up" i say while nodding my head up and down. I don't know why I nodded my head. A flashback of last night arrives in my head and brings tears in my eyes.

"What happened?" Neil asked and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing, really" i said and smiled, while inside i felt sadness. My tears fought with me and they almost won. Almost.

AN – I’ve got lots of test this month. So I won’t upload a chapter every two days. Maybe once a weekend because I’ll be busy. I’m so sorry

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