Chapter 1

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Oakland's Sweetest: Chapter 1

~Jenny P.O.V.~

"How do you feel, knowing we have a second child on the way?" I asked Daniel as we laid in bed. We usually had small conversations right before we went to bed. I was 9 months along and already a day past my due date.

"I'm ready for a second child. I bet Jay will love having a new younger sibling to play with so he won't have to play alone with his toys anymore." I watched him slowly close his eyes.

"That's true. I wonder how long the doctors are willing to wait till I finally go into labor?" I asked.

"They said if you don't go into labor by tomorrow morning, they'll just induce labor."

"Alright. Are you a little bit nervous?"

"Mhm. Are you?"

"As always."

"Well I'm here by your side to help." He said. "I'm turning in for the night. We'll talk more in the morning. Goodnight Jenny." He said before turning onto his other side.

~The Next Evening~

"Look at her Daniel. She's absolutely gorgeous." I said as I gently cradled my daughter.

"She really is beautiful." Daniel said as he leaned over my shoulder. "Hey sweetie. Welcome to the world." He cooed as he gently ran his hand through her little curls.

"What should we name her? It needs to flow with Jay." I said with a teasingly small laugh.

"I'll let you decide since you named Jay."

"That's because you weren't there when I gave birth to him but we're not going to start arguing, this is an important moment." I saw the look he flashed me but he nodded his head in agreement. "I like the name Chanelle. Especially since her little nick name could be Nelle." I looked down at her face. She was nothing but an innocent angel as she slept in my arms.

"Aw Nelly is another cute nick name." He motioned for me to hand her over to him and I was hesitant at first but I brushed it off my shoulders and placed her in his arms. "Jenny she's not porcelain-"

"She's as delicate as porcelain." I shot back at him with a laugh.

"I know, I was just messin' with you." I watched him kiss her forehead before taking a seat in his chair. "2 kids now Jenny. We have a 23 month old and now a new born." He kept his eyes locked on Chanelle like as if she was the only thing in the room.

"We can handle it. Money might be a little tighter but we can pull through." I had such big dreams for our new family. Experiencing our children's first steps, first words, first day of school, and much more. Family vacations and making memories. Daniel and I may not be married or in a relationship but we're close friends who now have 2 beautiful children together.

~A Few Days Later~

"Hi Mom." I said as I walked into her house. I had just gotten out of the hospital and needed to pick up Jay from his Grandma's. "Where's Dad?"

"Hi Jenny. He's out back with Jay. How was everything?" She pulled me in for a warm hug.

"Oh okay and everything was fine. Chanelle is out in the car with Daniel. If you want to go see her, you're more than welcome to." I saw Mom's eyes light up the second I said Chanelle was in the car. While she walked out to the car, I walked out to the backyard. "Hard at work huh Dad?" I said as I walked up to him.

"Hi Jenny." He kissed my cheek. "Jay likes to play with his toy shovel while I use mine. We've been digging up the garden all morning. He loves to dig-"

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