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Full name: Momo Boo-

Gender: F

Date created: August 24th, 2015

Birthdate: September 24th, 2015


What: A 3-year-old Neko hybrid and she still has some dog-like personality in her from an experiment years ago.

Looks: Dark brown eyes, short silk black hair with tuffs of cat ears, Mid-tanned skin, small chest, black smooth fluffy tail with a white tip.

Weight: 91.4 lb

Height: 1.5 M (4.92 ft) 

Age: By human years around 10 years old, as Neko 3 years old.

Mother: ?                  Father: ?

Owner: MagpieYay

("Don't you think the owner has a weird name?" "Oh, don't worry about it, it's just a name" "Ok")

What she wears (Usually): Dark grey sweater, black sweatpants, black tight leather collar, white socks

Personality: Shy, Secretive, trying her best, hard worker, friendly, passive,

Original cat breed: Bicolor Cat


(Originally published: Nov 17, 2017)

This is a cool concept I liked so why not just have some fun with my OC, so I can also get to know her better too!

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