Not This, Please

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Please...get me out of this hell hole...

#824 squirmed between the grasp of the two nurses carrying her back to her isolation room.
Crying and pleading for help, even though she knows it'll never work.

She did nothing wrong, she just landed in the wrong hands, like a strong overpowered sword given to the villain.

Many mews and whimpers came out of her still dehydrated mouth, drawing attention to the others in isolation, they never met face to face, they could only scream and hear of their cries for mercy.

They threw #824 in the isolated room, the red dot continued to watch, her head got hit when they threw her and her body slid to the same old stone cold floor, she licked the blood off her pelt and she cleaned herself up before the blood stuck, she hated the taste of blood, but there was no other choice. Blood came out her her claws as she tried scratching the door and floor to try and escape, no use.

#824 didn't understand why they kept her in captivity, she did nothing wrong!

The loud footsteps came to and from the hallways on the other side of her door. She could hear the patient in the next room of her being dragged away, cries were the only noise that filled and left that room.

#824's collar was itchy, she tried scratching her neck but the itch just wouldn't go away, the red dot flashed for the first time in years shocking the little neko. The last time she saw that flash was when she was 10, her third vaccination came after that flash.

No no no no, not this, not this, please no, please, I don't like this again!

As on cue, the heavy door opened, revealing two different people she never seen before, they were wearing something different, it covered them from head to toe and it scared the already frightened hybrid. One of them picked #824 up and a weird smell came off of them, making the fragile patient grow sleepy, she fell unconscious and was taken to a new room.

The new room had a vibe to it that #824 couldn't comprehend, but knowing from her past experiences this will probably be bad. Of course this will be bad, she lives in a testing lab hospital for her whole life for goodness sake!

Just like last time, she got many needles and vaccines,
The people talked a gebrish code to each other that #824 would never understand, she got a rough handed check up and fainted once again when everything was done. She hasn't eaten proper food, or tasted clean fresh water in what feels like years because it seems like the lab 'Couldn't afford it'.

She just wants to be free again, even if she was left on the streets, she would rather die naturally in the wild and experience what the world has to give, sweet fresh air and many other sweet beautiful things then die in here and be tested on.

She whimpered once again and woke up back in her isolation room, finding a dark blue bandana wrapped around her neck loosely, a soft blanket in the corner of her room, no red dot, and two bowls filled with suspicious water and brown dirt crumbs.

Where am I? This doesn't feel right, I'm not sure about this...

She was tempted to eat and drink finally but it felt weird to have all this stuff suddenly, the black leather collar under the sapphire blue bandana was still itchy. The soft fluffy light blue blanket looked so tempting for #824 to sleep on, and it seemed as though nothing was watching her.

After staring at the two bowls and blanket every so often for a long while, she gave into the temptation and ate whatever the dusty dry brown crumbs were, drank most of her water, and collapsed on the blanket, sleeping until the next day.


I don't even care if this seems rushed, but I'm excited for the next part!
It's a short story anyways soooo....
Also, I'm trying to write something so I won't have writers block, seems to be working
So yeah, anyways

See ya!

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