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#824! Wake up!

Huh? What going on? Why is it so bright-?

#824 woke up, blinking to get use to the sudden brightness. She looked up and saw the girl from yesterday smiling again and a pissed off doctor. 824 tilted her head a little and meowed in confusion, stretching as she noticed one of the workers took away her stuff, her bandana on the ground, she must've kicked it off while she was sleeping.

"#824, -- is going to -- you home." The doctor said lazily as he looked over his papers. #824 didn't understand some of the words The Doctor said.
The girl hugged her and soon after they were at what seemed to be the front of the hospital lab. The girl did something that the neko couldn't see over the big desk because she was still sitting on the ground like a cat.

"Ok, can you stand?" The neko could only understand short sentences or questions with simple words, and the girl caught on and only asked short questions or said some words clear, nothing to complicated for now to the small cat.

When standing like a human, the neko was only a few centimetres shorter then the girl. They smiled and the girl grabbed a bag of something and walked #824 carefully to a small white car in the parking lot. She buckled the neko in shotgun and buckled herself in the drivers wheel, when the engine started it startled the hybrid and try to hide but was caught in the seatbelt.

"Hey, shh shh, its alright," The girl petted the neko from head to back, soon the kit relaxed and purred.
"T-thank chu"
"Name?" The girl pointed to her, asking for her name she responded with shaking her head. Telling the girl she had no name other then #824, which wasn't really a name.
"Umm, how about ---?" She didn't understand,
"---?" She still didn't understand,
"Boo?" The cat didn't respond, but she understood it,
"Momo?" The cat looked up at her eyes, the girl smiled and knew that she liked that name. Momo nodded and smiled, finally being called something she liked and understood instead of just 824. The cat pointed at her,

"I'm Magz," she smiled, and started to drive slowly out of the parking spot,
"Sleep? If you want," Her eyes didn't leave the sight of the road, but Momo soon feel asleep, the way home was far...


Momo!! And yes, don't ask why or how a 12 year old can drive...

See ya!

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