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What a sleep...that, I haven't felt that amazing when I woke up since...EVER! Wow, uh, oh but what's today going to be like? It's definitely different...

#824 woke up feeling better then she ever felt in her life, but she immediately changed once she heard the footsteps, but there's more than just the regular two footsteps of the people that does morning check in's.

They wondered around, speaking their unknown gibberish to each other. #824 sat still waiting, and listening trying to understand some of their gibberish. Mews and purrs could be heard from her other 'Cellmates'.

That's new, others are, Happy?

"This is number Eight two four"
#824's door opened and she saw the people, they were wearing more casual clothes, unlike the people that she usually saw everyday, there was only one doctor wearing the same white overcoat talking gibberish to the others, one of the girls in the small group went in #824's 2 by 1 room and sat down in front of her, #824 immediately backed away to the wall, the girl didn't seem to mind but slowly inched her hand over to the hybrid.

"Hi there," Something she could understand? #824 looked up to see the girl had a long pony tail, similar black hair and dark brown eyes.
#824 moves closer, her eyes still watching the girls' a smile came on their faces and the doctor who was taking notes looked confused at how the young girl managed to even interact with the neko, but replaced it with a fake smile.

"I like her" The girl continued to smile while petting #824, she saw how much pain she's been through by the big cat eyes on the verge of crying from happiness.

A disappointing mew came out of #824 when she had to stop petting her and stand up. The smile never left the girls' face, but #824 got confused and depressed when they started to walk away, her door closed leaving her back in her isolated room.

#824 crawled back to her small baby blue blanket and stared at the locked door, she sighed in defeat knowing that she probably wouldn't come back.

Hours gone by and the loud noises of people chatting gone away, the light switch to the whole building clicked which meant every human left already. That was a happy moment that #824 only got seconds of. Crying herself back to sleep, waiting for the next morning.


Don't worry #824! I'll get you out of there soon!

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