Sleepy Sleep :3

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Sleep, sleep, sleep, just fall asleep, please!
The men in white are gone, you're safe with her, don't worry, just please fall asleep!
But what if they come back? What if they take me away? Would Magz leave me!?

Momo whimpered during the car ride home, half asleep, half awake, her mind fighting with herself.

The car came to a slow stop, the Neko still half asleep whimpering, Magz gently stroked her back trying to calm her down.

"Shh, It's alright Momo, We're home now, Shh, Momo?" Magz wanted her to wake up to see her new living space, an actual home.

The kit didn't wake up so Magz picked her up carefully and carried her into the house, placing her down on a couch then covering her with a blanket to keep her warm.

She walked back outside to grab the kitten's things in a duffle bag, the Neko woke up shortly after and cried in fear, the new surrounding scared her and her owner was nowhere to be found, the open room she was in was way bigger then she was comforted to, and all the new smells from different parts of the house were confusing her, she was shaking with fear until a warm hand petted her,

"Hey, It's just me Momo, Welcome home"

"B-big" The kit looked around, still frightened. The girl managed to get the kit upstairs to her room, where it was more smaller and where the cat will spend the nights.

Momo first managed to jump up on the bed and flopped down on it, Magz chuckled and told her she can rest while she can work at the desk right next to the bed, Momo nodded and rested her eyes, Magz tucked her in and gave her a small teddy to hug with.

Momo first managed to jump up on the bed and flopped down on it, Magz chuckled and told her she can rest while she can work at the desk right next to the bed, Momo nodded and rested her eyes, Magz tucked her in and gave her a small teddy to hug with

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The fluffy bear comforted her as she was able to rest for 2 hours, while Magz was working on other writings (Hehe).

Waking up peacefully, Momo blinked and the window showed that it was already dark, and Magz had turned on a light on her desk dim enough to not disturb the sleeping cat, but bright enough to blind you if you stare at it too long. (Seriously guys, don't stare at my desk lamp! XD)

"Hi Momo" Magz smiled as the small Neko stretched, "Hi"

"Want to go eat now?" Momo responded with a mew and the two, headed downstairs and grabbed dinner.


Welp. Wulp, Yup, and Yep.

This was more of a filler (This whole story is a filler XD) chapter but meh, it works.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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