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Naruto fanfic and  in this Story Boruto is born together with himawari and the others.....

Have fun!!....


"Ahhhh!" a painful scream echoed the white wide room filled with lab experiments. "Please, spare me. I begged of you." A girl pleaded looking at a man with her blue pitiful eyes.

Both her feet and hands were lock in an electric chair crying for freedom after being locked for 31 years. Blood sheds everywhere coming out from the girl. Her tears was nonstop as the man turned the electric shock to its maximum.

"You know how amazed I am seing you still alive in 31 years of torture, its kinda fun" A husky voice stated, making a creepy smirk to the girl watching her in extreme pain. Then his smirking face transformed to a disgusted look. "Yet, you disgust me. Your face, your eyes, your body looks the same as the old days."

"Let me out in this fucking place! Im not your toy!" She roared in angrer making echoes all over the room. Trying to give all of her force to stand up to punch the guy.

Only the man laughed and slapped her hard. "If it wasn't for me you dumb bitch you could've been dead since the day you were even born!" He slapped the girl once again and walked out through the door.

A scientist.?.more like a mad man. The girl giggled as she took out a blade  she hid under her palm. Quickly, she cutted the leather locks. As she finished unlocking them, she search for something....sharp. And finaly she saw a scapel laying around drenched with her own blood.

She played with it like a it wasn't harmful. If I were to struck this in his chest. Will he die? She wondered then smiled like somekind of mental illed patient and made her way to find the man.


The man just finished brewing his coffee and set it down on a table. He took stacks of folder and researched on them. It was the file of children he was buying in an orphanage for his experiments. While he was rummaging his files he heard the door creaking wide open. He glaced on his back to see who it was.

"Dang! It missed. Sorry bout that"

Then he felt something peirced on his wrist. His eyes widened to find out it was a scapel. "Ahhhh! You bitch! How dare you--"

"How dare me do this to you?" She concluded. She gave out a creepy grin. "Well it's because I was wondering if you would die if I try to pierce this to your chest. But you moved so I missed." She explained.

Then she brutaly pulled out the blade throughout his wrist and stared at it. "Let's do it once again shall we? Besides your blood looks pretty ." Then she stabbed the man multiple times in his chest.

Blood spraying everywhere she sniff the blood from her hand and tried licking it. "It doesn't taste good. Yucky." She stated and threw the scapel on the floor leading herself in a bathroom to wash off the blood stain on her body and when she finished, she began her journey.


It's been two weeks since she got out of the laboratory. And ever since she got out she haven't ate a thing which she doesn't care. All she cares about is that she's tired but she can't stop for she knows someone's hunting her.

She kept on walking and walking till her body no longer moved. Unconsciously, she fell down to the cold ground slowly closing her eyes.

"Uhmm....Lord Seventh? There's someone under the tree. It looks dead."


Her eyes twitches from the bright light and slowly open them seeing a white ceiling. Her eyes opened wide knowing she was back at the laboratory again. "No, it can't be. no more!" She struggled, taking off the blanket on her. Plucking out the needle in her wrist.

I have to escape again. I don't wanna be here. I want to live free!
She thought to herself while walking searching for exits. People she pass just stared at her clueless. She would knock down anything in her way. I can't be here. This should be a dream right?

Then BUMP! Her weak legs can't even take a small bump and fell down onto her butt. "I'm so sorry miss. Let me help--"

"Stay away from me! Or I'll kill you!" She barked clenching her palm to fist. "Yes, that's right. Stay away or you'll taste pain." Insanely, she laughed uncontrollably still her hands clenched hard.

Quickly, she stood up and ran once again. Now there were more men following her. "Miss! You're not in the condition to run yet. Stop!" A man in a white lab coat ran towards her which made her more startled.

Her heartbeat was racing and so is she. I have to get out of here! Then she tripped yet she didn't stop even though she fell down to the ground she kept crawling away from them but unfortunately she was caught.

She kept struggling into their hands not letting herself be locked again for many torturing years. "Let me go! Let me go you crazy bastards! I'm not going back to your fucking laboratory! I'm not your toy!" She demanded.

"Calm down miss, we are not here to hurt you. I am a doctor and you're in a hospital. Please calm down, your wounds are still to heal." The man who called himself a doctor said so.

"And how am I suppose to believe you!" She urged looking at the man full of anger. The doctor smiled a bit and let out a small sigh.

"I have one proof that will convince you that I am real doctor." He confidently stated.

The girl raised a brow wanting to know the answer. "Say it." She pierced an eye at the doctor.

"Stethoscope." He proudly said them taking it off his neck. "See, all doctors have this thing." He smiled.

The girl looked at the man with mono face. "Ok."

"Haha. I told you you'd believe me." The doctor giggled but felt pain as the girl kicked his knee.

"What the heck! Do you think I'm that dumb? Who cares if you have stethoscope?" Yelled the girl as she tries to bite the hands who were holding her but no can do. They didn't let her hands go.

A man approached them wearing a white with red cape that says Hokage at the back. He coolly walks through the crowed and faced the girl who was struggling. "I see you're already awake." Calmly he spoke.

"Yeah so did them saw me awake." She rolled her eyes at the man making him giggle. "Did I say something funny?" Then he cleared throat and smiled at her again.

"I'm sorry. Did this people startled you?" He apologized. "It's just we saw you in the forest the other day with your body in a very very bad condition. And we thought we had to brought you here." The man explained. The girl's expression slowly changed looking down the ground.

She stopped struggling and started to cry. "I-im so sorry. I thought y-you brought me back to the lab again." She sobbed and hugged herself trying to hide her teary face.

The man bent down and lifted her chin. "How about you come with me and let's eat. I'm sure you're hungry." As she heard the word hungry, her stomach grumbled. Her face flushed red from the embarrassing sound she made. The man giggled. "Hehe. I thought so. Shall we?" He stood up and lend her a hand.

To be Continued.......

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