xx22: Gift?

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"Veronica, we need to talk"

"Talk about what? I'm too sick to understand whatever's gonna come out of your mouth--"

"Are you pregnant?" Betty asked that caught me off guard. Pregnant? How the hell would I get pregnant?!

"What? No! Just because I puke early in the morning doesn't mean that I am..." my voice slowly lowered as both of them gave me the face. Am I even gonna tell them about what happened between me and Archie? What if they tell Jughead?

"Veronica.. you have to be honest with us. Did something happen between you and Archie?" She asked.

I looked to the ceiling and back to the floor and repeat. I kept biting my lip, not knowing what to say. This emotion feels so heavy inside that I think I might just burst and cry infront of my friends.

"I-I'm so sorry..." I broke down and hugged Betty so tight. I felt her caressing my hair. Kevin joined us for a hug too.

"Oh, my gosh.." I heard her whisper. "Damn it, Andrews. Not Veronica"

"But how sure are we that I'm really pregnant? D-Do we take a test?" I asked. Kevin sighed and fished out something from his pocket.

"take this. We bought it the moment you kept on throwing up the other day" I doubtly looked at the pregnancy test in my hands and stormed in one of the cubicles to pee. We have to wait for a few minutes before the result shows. 

My knees got so weak that I almost fell on the floor when I saw two red lines in the test. I really am pregnant! 

"Oh God no!" I panicked. "W-What should I do? What if J-Jughead finds out? Should I tell Archie? S-Should I consider this a punishment or a gift?" I kept on catching my breath as my heart raced. I literally don't know what to do as of this moment.

"Take a deep breath, Veronica. Kevin and I.. we promise to stay by your side while you get through this, okay?" Betty and Kevin hugged me again tightly as I cry in their arms with the positive pregnancy test in my hand.

"Veronica, can we just talk?" I tried to walk faster as Archie approached me once again after we went out of the restroom. I feel more nervous now that I know that I'm pregnant with his kid and I might affect his relationship with his family with Cheryl and my reputation in this school.

"I love you, Veronica! I don't care if you don't want me. I will still push myself to you because you're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with! I c-can still be a father to Cheryl's kid, but please just let me be with you. Let us start over.. Okay?" He walked slowly towards me and tried to reach for my hand but I put it away. I'm so tired of hearing his reasons, I'm too scared to be softhearted for him and I'll just let him back in my life in just a snap.

"Stop! Just.. Stop Archie, okay?! Get the hell away from me! I don't want to see you in my life, I don't even want to look at you! You disgust me, Archie Andrews! You disgust me and I despise you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as my tears continue to flow. I don't care if the students here watch us. All I want is to be alone and away from him! 

Ever since I got in this school, all I experience is pain and heartbreak. I want to start a new life without Riverdale High and Archie Andrews in it.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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