Chapter 12

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This is not just the story of Ragini. 

But, the story of many girls who were getting cheated in name of love in boys hands. 

Every girl's common dream is Love. But, when the betray comes in name of that love? 

It's not about Ragini or Laksh here. 

This is about a GIRL.

Girls, think once..!

Our dreams are really big. Which have our studies and passions. But once, a fake love enters everything is collapsed. 

So, think before falling in love. 

Yes, this is your life..!! And, you have to take care of it... 


Her world is small..

But, her dreams are big.

Those dreams aren't that big that no one can reach..

But.. small which anyone can hold.

Just called.. LOVE.

Love which is simple to listen. But has the power to make life up and down. Or it can take us into a dreamy path. 

Her Love.. "Laksh" has even taken her into her "Dream" path, but... the fate made everything up and down. 

Laksh has reformed. He has come back into her life. Asked her hand again.. Now, what she will do..? 


Laksh was looking at Ragini confused with the words she just said. 

"what have you done then Laksh?" 

Ragini and Laksh are looking each other silenlty. 

San: Ragini.. everything has changed now. Laksh has really loved you naa. And, now everything is settled, you accepted him back..!

Rag:: no..! I didn't accept? Did I? 

Laksh smiles suppressing his pain, 

"Ragini, now jokes apart.. Yesterday, you were in my embrace.. You have accepted my love. We got together again Ragini.. Now, don't say this..!" 

Kavitha gets tears who was behind Sanskar and he bends his head. 

Ragini turning her face away, 

"I was doing drama Laksh. I was just taking revenge from you. yeah, everyone may think this as joke..!! But, tell me Laksh.. how is it feeling now??" 

Laksh keeps looking at her. Ragini comes near Laksh, 

"Is it not like the thorns stabbing your heart, is it not like your heart being crushed under a rock? I felt the same...!!" 

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