Chapter 18

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A/N: This chapter contains some smut

"hey Luke ?" Ashton asked from his side of the bed.

"Yes?" I looked up from my drawing over at him. He had a book in his hands , his finger was in between two pages to make sure that he didn't loose the page he was on.

"What would happen if they found out about us?"  He asked looking at me with his soft hazel eyes that seemed to always be full of curiosity.

"I honestly don't know." I replied shrugging. I knew what ever it would be wouldn't be good, but I wasn't sure what would happen. I feared for what they may do to him if they found out. So much just the thought made me sick.

"Maybe. One day we can tell them." Ashton said quietly while opening his book back up to the pages his finger was in between.

"I hope so, but maybe we should figure everything out first?" I replied giving him a reassuring smile.

"That would probably be a good idea." He replied his adorable smile coming back.
After a few minutes Ashton went back to reading and I went back to drawing occasionally glancing up to capture more of the beautiful sight of Ashton reading and the light shining through the window onto him.
I loved the way the light reflected on his hair and the way he was completely relaxed while being wrapped up in the blanket with the book against his legs.
He looked as if he felt safe and was able to fully relax which made me happy.
I loved too how he was able to just be focused in the book and not notice anything else around him. Like he was lost completely in another world. Something I could only do if I was really focused on my drawing.

"We should watch a movie." Ashton said after he finished the book he was reading.

"Ok, what movie do you want to watch?" I asked closing my drawing book and set it to the side making sure he didn't see the picture I had drawn.

"Not sure. I don't get to watch movies much, so anything will be fine I suppose." Ashton replied shrugging.
"A movie my parents would despise would be even better." He laughed and began to put his book away.

"So a movie your parents would hate. I think I know just the movie." I laughed and got up from my bed to grab my laptop.

"Ok so what movie are we watching?" Ashton asked moving up the bed.

"You'll just have to wait and see." I laughed and sat down beside him and pushed play on the movie.

"Wait. This movie is a sexual movie." Ashton said as it began to play.

"Yeah?" He said he wanted a movie his parents would hate and I'm completely sure they'd hate this one.

"My parents would really hate it." He replied biting his lip.

"Isn't that what you want? I mean I can stop it." I replied pausing it.

"Yeah I do I just never watched a sexual move before." He replied quietly.

"Ashton?" I asked looking over at him.

"Yeah?" He asked looking over at me.

"You don't really know anything about sex do you?" I asked not trying to be rude or make fun in any way I was just curious.

"Not really." Ashton replied a little shyly.

"Well then we ate watching this movie for educational purposes." I replied pushing play.
After a few minutes of the movie beginning Ashton put my arm over his shoulder and snuggled into my side as we watched. It would be a lie to say that I wasn't looking forward to seeing how Ashton reacted towards this movie.

"what you wanna do to me.
Punish me, show me how bad it can be.
I want you to show me the worst.
Its the only way I can understand.
- Are you sure about this?
- Yes.
Bend over.
I'm gonna hit you six times.
And you're gonna count with me.
- Count, Anastasia.
- One.
I really regret my decision to put 50 shades of grey on. I forgot how hot I find this movie. The whole someone being submissive was a major turn on to me.
I pulled my blanket up over I'm my lap to hide the bulge that began to form in my jeans hoping Ashton wouldn't notice, but at the same time part of me wanted him to notice and do something about it.
Trying to keep my mind off the movie a little I looked over to Ashton who seemed to be very into the movie like I suspected he would be.
I couldn't help but smirk a little when I noticed out the corner of my eye Ashton seemed to be enjoying this movie more than I expected.
As the movie continued Ashton began to shift in his spot a little. When the movie came to an end I was surprised. I hadn't even realized I wasn't paying attention anymore I was to busy thinking about Ashton and all the things I wanted to do to him and all the things I wanted him to do to me.

"So what did you think of the movie?" I asked closing my laptop.

"It.. it was good." Ashton stuttered a little.
The room went quiet again both of us deep in thought.

"Hey Luke?"

"Yes ash?" I asked looking over at him.

"I. Um." He stuttered just a little and looked completely lost for words. "Um." He looked down at his lap to the bulge in his pants.

"Do you need some help baby boy?" I asked taking a chance. Sure Ashton and I had a make out sessions several times before but never anything further.

"Please help luke it hurts." Ashton replied letting out a little whine.

"Ok baby boy." I leaned over and kissed him slowly. "I'm gonna make you feel good ok?" 
Ashton just let out a little whimper as I let my hand go under his shirt and began pulling it up. I could tell he was nervous so I did my best to be as easy and gentle as possible even though I didn't really want to be.

"Luke please." Ashton whimpered as I ran my hands along his body while kissing along his neck.

"Please what?" I asked letting my hand go down towards the waist band of his sweatpants.

"I need something anything please." Ashton whimpered again his voice both needy and shaky.

"Of course baby." I didn't want to go slow but I didn't want to rush into something he may regret. Slowly I began to pull his sweatpants down  which caused him to moan.
Ashton laid there and watched every move I made until I began to rub him through his boxers.  The second I did his eyes screwed shut and he began to moan. The sounds coming from him where making me turned on more than I already was.
"Ashton you're sure you want this?" I hoped he would say yes because I needed it but if he said stop I would.

"Please don't stop." He whimpered.

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