The Brains

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In case none of you read Bubbles' story, the short stories will have The RRB's povs a lot. It was just something that I thought was cute with Boomer and Bubbles, and wanted to do with all of the stories. 

I liked the Boys' take on dating the girls, lol.


  To say that Blossom Utonium was always right, would be an understatement. The red haired superhero was always- always- right. It was something that infuriated her boyfriend at times, but also something he'd learned he couldn't live without. He'd gotten so used to her 'advice', that he wouldn't know what to do without her at times.

Even though Brick was dating a superhero, he was still a villain- who did whatever he wanted. (And usually got caught by his girlfriend red-handed.) He loved Blossom, but he wasn't about to go to school and be a goody-to-shoes.

Which was why he and his brothers were hiding behind a dumpster at the high school watching their girlfriends eating in the lunch yard.

Boomer wasn't really worried about Bubbles finding someone else- who would put up with her clinging and childishness, besides him? But he watched the girls with his brothers to support them, and keep an eye on his own girlfriend.

Butch on the other hand wasn't 'protective', but did beat up anyone who so much as looked at Buttercup wrong... he took it very personal... Though he was just a tad bit worried about if Buttercup met another 'Bad Boy'. 

But Brick...was constantly paranoid about Blossom meeting a geeky guy, with the absolutely perfect record and romance skills that would sweep her off her feet. Study dates, science partners, guys with no criminal activity.... Blossom would fall for them in an instant- or so he thought.

He knew Blossom could handle herself with villains, but with other guys... it was a completely different story. No guy would be within 3 feet of her, if he could help it. Which is why he constantly showed up, with a package, or message from the Professor, or something she had 'left'. (He usually stole it from her backpack.)

''6 O'clock,'' Butch nudged Brick, gesturing to a guy walking towards the girls. Boomer looked up from his phone, and Brick narrowed his eyes- ready to use lasers if needed. 

A boy walked up to the PowerPuff's table and started a conversation with Blossom. Thanks to superhearing, the boys could understand it was about homework. But Brick still had to be held back.

''Dude calm down,'' Boomer whispered,''He's just asking about the homework-''

''Butterbabe will punch him if he tries anything on her sister,'' Butch chimed in.

''I don't care! That's my girl!'' He hissed, his eyes glaring knives into the schoolboy's head.

''Just watch,'' Boomer sighed exasperated.

Bubbles was transfixed with a game on her phone, probably Rainbow Unicorn Run- which Boomer found adorable. While Buttercup was sitting on the table and glaring at any student that came up to talk to her. She wasn't in a good mood, which Butch found quite cute. And Blossom was talking politely with the boy, completely oblivious to the fact that he was asking for her number and hinting they should meet up in Studyhall.

But Bubbles and Buttercup weren't as oblivious, and stopped everything to stare at the boy.

They glanced at each other. They knew Blossom would say yes out of politeness, but Brick... would probably murder the poor kid.

And boy, were they right.

Not two seconds later, a red haired guy with a red hat and blood red eyes was behind the boy from Blossom's science class- with a murderous expression.

Bubbles of course grew excited,''Where's my Boom Boom?!" she squealed, before catching sight of her boyfriend, and promptly launching herself into his arms.

''Butch,'' Buttercup growled, stomping over to him and pointing her finger at him accusingly,''Did you eat my cereal this morning?"

''Wha.....'' Butch faked an innocent expression,''Why would I do that sweetie?"

''YOU-'' Buttercup began to yell, but everyone blocked out the couples' fight.

''Brick, what are you guys doing here?" Blossom asked, tilting her head.

''Babe, can't I eat lunch with my girlfriend?"Brick smirked at her, before shoving the boy previously flirting with her out of the way.

She rolled her eyes,''Of course, but wouldn't it be easier to do that instead of hiding in a bush for a third of the lunch-time?"

He blinked, how did she know? He eyed her, she didn't seem fazed at all and wasn't even asking why he was hiding to begin with...''You know, don't you?" he asked.

''Know what? That you follow me to keep guys away, yes.'' She stated it like a fact, taking a drink of her soda.

He hesitated,''And you're not mad...?"

Blossom looked at him with a smirk,''It's cute that you're so worried about that Brick, and besides I know that you're not doing something else stupid when you're following me like a lost puppy- like blowing up another bank.''

He huffed and sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer,''It was just once, you told me if I did that again I would need a knew girlfriend and a laser-proof jacket.''

''I told you,'' Boomer piped while holding a Bubbles that was sitting on him and playing a game on her phone at the same time.

Butch grunted in agreement, but was a bit more preoccupied with his girlfriend yelling at him- when she was done, she informed him to not be late for their date or there'd be consequences.

Brick just smirked at them, he and his brothers had a bet of who had the best girlfriend. And he was convinced his was better than anyone else.


''I swear it was just for a good grade in science! I wasn't flirting!!'' The poor kid pleaded in the alley way.

Brick growled,''If I ever see you within ten yards of MY girlfriend, I will-''

''You'll what now?"

Brick froze. Spinning around to face Blossom, he noticed his brothers' sheepish looks and glances at their own girlfriends.

''Does it matter?" He grunted to the red headed girl.

She crossed her arms, cocking an eyebrow at him''Does being grounded from kisses matter to you?" she retorted.

He glared at the boy,''Get outta here.'' He promptly took off running.

Blossom flew over to him, and kissed his cheek,''Do I even wanna know how many guys you've threaten just for talking to me?''

''Probably not,'' Boomer said, trying to breath as Bubbles was basically strangling him with a hug.

Brick rolled his eyes, throwing an arm over Blossom's shoulder,''That doesn't matter right now, but I do believe we have a date...otherwise Buttercup is gonna kill Butch.''



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