Triplets and Triple Dates

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Alright, this is gonna be the last chapter for Brains And Hairbows.


But right now, I want to get to the butchercup story, and then back to The Girls Are All Grown Up...


''So I was thinking.... Blossom shouldn't be the oldest one of us, cause technically we're all triplets.'' Buttercup stated, crossing her arms and looking at her sisters in the eyes with a challenging look.

''Buttercup, are you just bringing this up for an argument?" Bubbles frowned,''We've discussed this already at least three times...''

Blossom nodded her head in agreement,''Yes, we are triplets- but since I'm the leader of the PowerPuffs everyone just assumes that I'm the oldest.'' She sighed in exasperation,''But I really don't care right now, we have a triple-date to get ready for with the guys.''

''Triplets that have the same facial structures and powers, but just have different eye and hair colors-'' Buttercup started.

''And attitudes,'' Bubbles cut in.

''Yeah, and attitudes. So why can't we claim to be older- for at least one day?" Buttercup muttered in frustration.

Blossom eyed the raven haired girl for a moment, it was true her sisters were teased once in awhile about being younger or not being the leader of the PPG but there was only so much she could do about it.

''Alright, I gotta idea!" She exclaimed excitedly, it wasn't a very good idea...but an idea none the less.

''How about we pretend to be each other on the date? The boys would automatically notice who we are, and we wouldn't make a bad decision in the middle of fight with a monster or villain.... and if it goes well we could do it again!" The red haired girl explained, grinning at her plan.

~Two hours later, at the date~

The girls were sitting at a large table across from the boys, and  looking over the menu. Bubbles was wearing a Buttercup wig and green eye contacts. Buttercup had decided to be Blossom, which left Blossom to be... Bubbles.

And their idiot boyfriends hadn't noticed a single thing.

The idea that it wasn't Blossom sitting across from him, hadn't even crossed Brick's mind, even though his girlfriend was much more...aggressive than usual.

''Bloss, calm down,'' he said nervously, he wasn't used to his usually level-headed girlfriend trying to tear off a waiter's head for a rude comment,''I'm sure it was a mistake-''

''You're a mistake!" She shouted, very pissed off at him. The last thing he expected was for her to start shooting lasers at him, but that's exactly what she did.

He didn't even get to notice how his brothers were handling their girlfriends- he was too busy hiding from his.

Buttercup (Bubbles pretending to be Buttercup) was sobbing to her heart's content on top of the table that the boys just so happened to be hiding underneath. Blossom was basically destroying the building, while threatening to kill the boys when she found them.

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