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Maya woke up confused and dizzy. She went to stand up and fell over.

Josh: Ow.
Maya: Josh? What am I doing here? I'm supposed to be with Lucas.
Josh: He had already had a few drinks and I'm a good driver so I suggested you came with me for the night. He wanted you to call him when you got up.
Maya: Okay. I will. You slept on the floor and gave me the bed?
Josh: Well yeah. Pretty girl like you doesn't deserve the floor. *he smiled*
Maya: Well thanks boing. I'm gonna call Lucas.

On the phone:
Lucas: Hey Maya. Everything end up okay?
Maya: Yeah, I just woke up. You let Josh take me home?
Lucas: He's older and better at driving while under the influence so yeah. Plus I wasn't sure how I was going to sneak you into my house anyways.
Maya: Gotcha. Well I'm gonna get my stuff and leave. Should I come over?
Lucas: Sure. My dad made breakfast so if you hurry I'll save you some.

Maya giggled as she hung up the phone. She turned around to see Josh shirtless and watching her.

M: Oh hey. I'm gonna get my stuff and go.
J: I remember when I used to make you  giggle like that. *he frowned*
M: We haven't talk in a while Josh.
J: Long game?
M: Long game.

Josh put a shirt on and drove Maya to Lucas's. Before she got out of the car he pulled her close and gave her a quick kiss. They smiled and she walked into Lucas's house.

M: Huckleberry?
L: Hey! We have pancakes, short stack.
M: Yum. Give me a lot of syrup while I take my shoes off! *she hobbled around trying to be quick*

Lucas laughed at how excited she was for pancakes and put syrup on her plate with a few pancakes. She sat next to him and started to eat them.

L: How was Josh?
M: He's fine. His place is kinda small but it's cozy in a way. *she put her fork into her mouth*
L: Is his place better than mine?
M: No. It's just cozy. *she smiled*
L: Maya, can I ask you something?
M: Sure Rick. What's up? *she put her plate in the sink.

Even though Maya hadn't been to his house in years it's like she never left. She still remembered where everything was. His dad still called Maya "kid" and they all still had lots of fun.

L: I think I know who I should've chosen. And, if I had chosen you do you think we would've last?
M: I can't say for sure Cactus Pete. I'd like to think we would've always tried.
L: You know I've always loved you and Riley right? In different ways. *he stood up*
M: I know that Lucas. I think you loved us so much that you couldn't choose. Not because you didn't know but because you didn't want to ruin our future friendship.
L: I guess. I also think that I just couldn't make up my mind.
M: No Lucas. You know what you did. Thank you.
L: For what?
M: Giving me and Riley a chance to figure out what we want.

They hugged and Maya went to Riley's. Maya climbed through her window to see Riley doing her homework.

M: Hey peaches.
R: Hey. Did you get to Josh's safe?
M: Yeah. Do you think he will ever want to be official?
R: Wait what? You want to be official?
M: We've had a few moments here and there. We had one this morning. I'm 18 now. I'm more mature.
R: I think he knows that Maya. I think he's waiting for you to show him. *she smiled*
M: I guess what happened last night wasn't so mature huh?
R; That wasn't your fault.
M: I guess me showing up to school drunk isn't mature either. That is my fault.
R: I may have not been there but I am now. Let's show him how mature you are!

So far in the story I've got
Should I make Smarkle a thing?
What about Zay?

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