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Maya smashed her alarm clock as it went off. She rubbed her bloodshot eyes and grabbed her head. She was definitely hungover from the night before. She got up and showered and got dressed and wandered into her kitchen. Her mom laid half off the couch with guys all over the place on the floor. Cocaine lines and drugs all over the coffee table. She grabbed a small bottle of vodka and chugged it. The best way to cure a hangover was to drink in her opinion. She grabbed her bag and walked to school. Her first day of senior year and it wouldn't be like the rest.
Maya walked into the school and sat on a bench waiting for the bell to ring. She was called to the office with the gang. They all arrived at the office and looked at each other sadly and walked inside.

Principal Montgomery: We've selected you 6 seniors for something very special. It was a random selection so some of you may not associate with each other but you will all year. Every day after school. To prepare for graduation.
Riley: We get to prepare the whole graduation?! *she smiled widely.*
Maya: Everyday after school? I can't do that.
Montgomery: You don't have much of a choice Maya. See this opportunity will cover your admissions for college. I will write a solid recommendation letter for everyone who participates.
Lucas: That's awesome!
Zay: What if we don't plan on college?
Montgomery: Then I'll write you whatever you need to get a good job.
Farkle: I️m guaranteed a job at my fathers company so I won't be doing this. *gets up to leave*
Smackle: Wait! This is our chance to not only give our whole class a chance at a really fun graduation but a chance for all of us to reconnect.

The gang all looked at each other and listened to the principal tell them the rules and regulations. Where they'd meet and such. Once she finished they all left. Lucas and Zay walked out first laughing at something in the hall. Smackle walked to her locker. Farkle walked out glumly to class. Riley walked to get her cheer bag and noticed Maya running for the bathroom. Riley followed her and the rest of them saw them running.

Maya walked into the stall and put her hair up. She forced herself to throw up thinking that she was alone. Riley walked and stood outside the stall waiting for her to come out.

Maya: Jeez. What are you doing?
Riley: I saw you running and wanted to make sure you were okay.
Maya: Oh yeah like you care. I️m fine just sick.
Riley: Maya..are you drunk?
Maya: Does it matter? *she said staring into the sink*
Riley: Yes! We're at school. You shouldn't be drinking at school.
Maya: Relax I️m not drinking in the bathroom god! It's none of your business. We haven't talked in years so just leave it alone. *she walked out of the bathroom*

They all went to class and didn't speak or see each other for the rest of the day. The dismissal bell rang and they all met in the cafeteria. They all sat at different tables. None of them sat at their old one. They all looked at it and moved to sit. It was way too awkward but no one moved.

Smackle: We need to pick a leader of the meetings. To keep order.
Riley: I'll do it.
Farkle: Or I can.
Lucas: Probably best if we just vote on things. To avoid arguments.
Zay: We gotta work on funding.
Farkle: My Dad could probably loan me some money for it.. *he sat up in his chair*
Riley: We could have fundraisers?
Smackle: That would be difficult but it's possible.
Lucas: Maya any ideas?
Maya: Not really.
Riley: Are you going to participate?
Maya: What's the point?
Zay: What do you mean? Don't you wanna be a great artist and go to a good college? *he leaned closer to her*
Maya: I Uh don't draw anymore..

The whole table was shocked.

Lucas: We've all changed a lot. What happened to us? *he said looking down at the ground*
Farkle: We left the hole and went separate ways. It's no surprise you and Zay went to football. Or that Riley went to cheerleading.
Smackle: Only people I didn't expect to be where they are is Farkle and Maya.
Maya: Were doing just fine not fitting in.
Farkle: Are we?
Maya: What do you mean?
Farkle: This May be a little deep but..we lost our bestfriends. We lost our bestfriends and everything went down hill for us. I don't even want to work in my dads company but I don't have much of a choice.
Smackle: Farkle you're a genius! You have anything in the world to accomplish!
Farkle: My Dad won't loan me any money for college or a job. I have to do it all by myself and my moms going through stuff so I can't get a job right now.
Maya: You're wrong. Losing you guys isn't what messed up my future.
Riley: What do you mean? What changed?
Lucas: Maya does your mom still work at Topangas?
Maya: No. What time is it?
Zay: 3:20. Why?
Maya: Shit I️m late. See ya. *she grabbed her stuff*
Riley: Bye.

Maya left.

Riley: Her mom quit a few years ago. She was gonna be fired but one day she just didn't show up anymore.
Lucas: Why?
Riley: We don't know. I know that Maya works at the mall though.
Farkle: The mall?
Smackle: Doing what?
Zay: Face painting little kids.

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