Chapter 15

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Rileys POV

"Oh its a rash" I said to Jessica, she looked at me wierdly, I didn't even know how I got this, what if Alex was actually telling the truth.

I tryed to get out of the shower but she stopped me and smirked. She pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me. She tryed to go further but I shook my head and she let go of me. "Sorry, I get carried away seeing you naked like this" Jessica said smiling. She passed my towel to me and we when we exited we saw Alex and Jasmine talking to eachother. Alex looked away and stared at us with her eyes widened. Jessica shrugged and grabbed my hand to go change into clothes.

Alex clenched her first. Jasmine glanced at both of us repeatedly, she let out a small giggle making dirty signs. Alex lightly shoved her.

"I really like you Riley and I'm glad that I can be your girlfriend and protect you at all costs." She said smiling. I smiled back hugging her. She took my hand again and we both went to the field.


Today was the day I had to steal drugs. I jogged over to Jordan on the field "Hey, when do you drive to get new inmates?" I said.

"12:30, be ready" I nodded and we both made our way to the truck. The truck had 2 guards and I needed to distract them. I walked over to Officer Winn "Hey beautiful" I said to her smiling. She studied me and raised her eyebrow. I continued talking "I think I need to be checked for any weapons" I said winking.

She smirked and put me against the fence. I glanced at Jordan to see she was hiding the drugs ontop of the wheel area.

Winn started touching my body and making me feel kind of uncomfortable but I had to go with it. Once Jordan was finished hiding it she stared at me and smirked. I groaned. "Looks like you've got nothing on you today, ill be sure to check again" she said licking her lips.

I fake smiled "I would love that" she left to the truck and entered the passenger seat.
Jordan made her way over to me patting me on the back "Looks like your hot girlfriend is mad at you there" she nodded her head over somewhere. I glanced at and saw Alex staring at me with a jealous look on her face. She really did get jealous. She looked away instantly.

"Okay Perez, lets do this" I began making my way into the van while Jordan followed me. I opened the door and sat down at the back seat, Jordan sat on the passenger seat. Jordan started driving and we went to this abandoned house for the guard to check out something.I noticed Officer Winn was staring at me the whole time.

"Jordan stay here, Perez come with us" Officer Rose said. I looked back at Jordan and she nodded her head over to the house. This house looked scary and haunted but they would be doing renovations on it or something. We went inside and this house was actually nice inside, there was a beautiful kitchen and everything. Officer Winn pulled me into a corner "Like it don't you?" I nodded and tryed to get out of her grip. She tryed to kiss me but Officer Rose came around the corner so she let go of me. I smiled and shook my head at her. She smiled back biting her lip seductively.

"Okay we're done here" She pushed me to follow. We went outside and I looked to see Jordan with someone, It was a teenager. He saw us and widened his eyes. "What are you doing here" Officer Rose said to the teenager. Jordan said something in another language to the guy "Digamos que no hablas inglés y te largas, tomas las otras drogas que no necesitamos y las escondes en un lugar seguro" It was spanish. I knew a little bit of spanish so I made out the words

'Let's say you do not speak English and you go, take the other drugs we do not need them hide them in a safe place.' Jordan had a nervous look on her face and glanced at me for help.

"He was lost, i'm trying to help him, he does not understand English." Jordan said. Officer Winn raised her eyebrows and smiled. So we needed to give drugs to him, he was just teenager though. They both nodded their head and the boy left running. It was in the forest so It was a good excuse.

We went back into the car and Officer Winn was still staring between me and Jordan. "Dumb little kid" Officer Winn said laughing. Jordan got angry but tryed to hide it. "or should I say Niño tonto" She said smiling.

My heart skipped a beat and so did Jordan's. We both glanced at eachother. Did she know Spanish? did she know what Jordan said? God no. Nino Tonto means dumb little kid also. She looked at our reactions. Jordan spoke up "Y-you speak Spanish?" she replied "Fluent in it actually" She said smirking. My life was over.

Officer Rose was sleeping so she heard none of this. We all got out of the car, officer rose left to get coffee. "I know what you guys are doing, we can have a deal though" Winn said. We looked at eachother again and nodded for her to go on. "I want Riley to be mine" I looked at her in shock and shook my head quickly "Hell no"

"For two months or I'll tell" she said smirking. Jordan nodded "We'll take the deal" Jordan said shaking her hand. "But never call my little brother a dumb little idiot".

"W-what! I'm not doing this!" I said crossing my arms. "You have to Perez, We'll get exposed." Jordan said. What would I say to Alex and everyone else and can't guards get arrested for dating an inmate. "If you try to snitch on me, the worst will get to you" Winn said. Officer Rose came back with coffee and handed one to Winn. Winn nodded her head in thanks "think about it inmate" she said before leaving.


"No don't fucking do this Perezfect!" Alex yelled at me. "I have to, i'm sorry Alex." she got more angry but tryed to stay calm. Alex and me were practially dating since she forgave me and forgot about the Hailey incident, she knew I was right. "If you fucking do this I'm seriously done with you?! you're supposed to be my girlfriend not some other idiots one!"

I put my hands on her shoulder to comfort her but she gently pushed me away. Jasmine, Beatrice and Maria were just watching us while eating popcorn, how'd they even get that?

"Please Babe, I could go to SHU or something else worse, you wouldn't want that for me would you?" I said trying to convince her. She glanced at me. "Why did you even get involved with your mother, look what happened."

She was right, I was dumb to even agree to this idea. "Its only 2 months babe, that's easy what can she even do?." She rolled her eyes "You guys are dating right? she could kiss you or have sex with you, or even worse."

"No she won't" I said crossing my arms looking away, if she could just agree to my idea for once. She raised one eyebrow "That's what couples do, am I wrong?." I shook my head.

"B-but we never did that" I said to her, she rolled her eyes "Oh soon babe, real soon." She giggled and I laughed slightly.

She then pouted "I can't even call you Babe anymore" I went to go hug her. Hopefully Winn would get fired for dating an inmate, but what would happen to me.

I kissed her and Jasmine ewedd while the rest awed. Hopefully this goes well and nothing bad happens.

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