Chapter 19

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Alex's POV
I crept along the wall while Jasmine was behind me scared. "Why did I have to do this with you man" Jasmine said. I placed my finger to my lip "shhh" she rolled her eyes. "You love Perezfect right?" I said. She nodded.

We finally found her bunk, Jasmine took a cloth from her back pocket and handed it to me. I placed it on the rapists mouth, her eyes quickly opened which made us both jump, she gripped on my arm, her nails digging into my skin, I let out a small whimper. We both duck down to cover our faces while she passed out. I smiled, oh was I evil, it's her fault you shouldn't have fucking hurt Riley.

I took out the superglue while Jasmine handed me a dildo. I looked at her strangely "Seriously, where did you even get this from?" I asked. "Stole it from Veronica" she smirked. I told her to get something way  bad but this will do. I opened the superglue carefully while Jasmine grabbed it from my hand spiling some onto my shirt. "What the heck!?" I said In a low whisper.

"Let the pro do this, superglueing dildos is a profession of mine" she said letting out a giggle. I still had my serous face on while I backed away and let her continue. She placed the dildo on her head and started glueing. Ah this is gonna hurt so bad for her to get it out, why should I care, she deserves this. "Ha such a literally" Jasmine said. It was night so everyone was sleeping, even the guards. I made my way out but was blinded by a flashlight which made me fall down.

"HEY YOU THERE!" I heard a small voice say, Jasmine helped me up, her slipping.The floors wet from the Janitor mopping.We both ran as fast we could getting out of the officers sight or if it is one. Some inmates could go to the bathroom and me and Jasmine were praying that it was an inmate.  We both ran out of breath and went inside our bunks while Jasmine fell onto her bed, snoring already. I smiled, checked on Riley then went to sleep.


"Ahhhhhhh" I was woken up by a loud scream while Quinn Ran around with the dildo on her forehead. Me and Jasmine tried to keep our laughs in. But Jasmine failed and I shushed her up. All the inmates were crowded up on Quinn sitting on the floor crying. She looked sad and angry, "who did this to me!" She said spitting.  She looked around and her eyes met mine while I tried to look away. "YOU!" She said pointing at me and walking over. Riley stood up and went to my defense.

"Alex would never do that, it's probably someone else" Riley said. Quinn smiled at her leaning closer to her. I pushed her away from Riley which made her land on the floor. I chuckled "so weak" I mumbled under my breath. Riley slowly pushed me away "Stop". Riley then went to help Quinn up which sent me in shock.

"You should go to the office, they will get that off of you" She said to Quinn's dildo head. Quinn smiled "And then maybe I can use it on you" She said evily. I literally felt like killing her, she's a disgusting human being, like haven't you learned?!

I was about to say something but Riley cut me off by pushing me back to our bunk. All the inmates went off in their bunk ship Jasmine followed us and mouthed to me "Someone's in trouble".

"What the hell Alex! Why would you do that to her!" She yelled. I looked at her in shock once again. "Are you serious she deserves this!" I said back. She put her hands to her head "I don't need your protection, im good on my own" she said looking everywhere except my eyes.

"What do you mean?! Your getting angry because I superglue a dildo to a rapists head. She hurt you, she deserves this." I said. She shook her head walking close to me. "She already got a punishment and this is It, she's serving her time leave her alone!"

I scoffed "You care about her? She literally sexually assaulted you!" I yelled back. "I just don't want violence, you always create" she said back. I never create violence what is she talking about.

"Oh sure, yeah I hurt her because she hurts you, I care about you so much, I would literally die for you so c'mon Perezfect are you actually gonna be mad just because I did this?" I said trying to kiss her. She pushed me away while I heard Jasmine mumbled 'rejected'

"Stop fighting with her please Alex" she said calming down. I nodded my head  "Fine"

I watched her walk away to the field to do her job. I turned to Jasmine was eating popcorn and booing. "Boooooo, such bad movie, man I'm out" she said throwing popcorn to my face. I catched some of the popcorn in my mouth.

"Perezfect Perezfect Perezfect, why you gotta be so damn cute"

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