Chapter Two

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He was right there. Right in front of me. I had to get away.
I tried to run off but he grabbed my arm gently. "Please don't run off again, I want to help" he said, seemingly concerned. "Please leave me alone. Enough has changed already, I don't need anymore change" I said and ran off.
I made it back to class before I missed too much of the lesson. Thank whatever God there is. I sat at my normal seat and listened to the dull lesson. I loved it. Then he walked in and walked over to me. Great.
"Is something wrong? Did I upset you?" He asked. "Just...just leave me alone ok. I don't like change and you're already a big enough change." I said, not caring if I offend him at this point. "Oh...ok....sorry...." he sat down and looked down at his desk.
I knew I upset him. I didn't care. He's a change. I. Don't. Like. Change.
When I turned to the front of the class to listen to the lesson I realized the teacher was looking straight at me. He saw what happened. Luckily he continued the lesson until 5 minutes before the bell and told me and the kid, who I soon learned name was Evan, to stay after class. I followed introductions, even though I was having a panic attack.
He turned to us "Vinnie, I saw what you did. Is that any way to treat a new student?" The teacher asked. "No sir" I said, trying to speak as little as possible so I don't burst into tears. "Well I'm assigning you two a project to do. You have to do it together at home, take pictures and give them to me to prove you worked together." He said and I froze. "What's the project on?" Evan asked. "Your choice, but make sure it's on something you both agree on. I'll provide you with more details once you two decide on the topic." He answered. "C-can I g-go now? Please?" I asked, not caring that I sound terrified. "Go ahead" he said and I immediately ran out the door.
Evan started to follow me but gave up when I ran out of the school. This is going to be the end. This will push you over the edge. You'll use those pills one last time. Horrible thoughts ran through my head as I ran all the way home. I dropped my backpack by the door and walked into the bathroom. You deserve this. This will fix it. No more change. I reached for my bottle of pills but grabbed a razor instead.

This will be a temporary fix.

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