Chapter 10: Knight Vs Knight

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Seeing someone easily destroy two Excalibur Swords shocked not only Kiba,Xenovia,and Irina but also Freed. But what shocked them more was what the faker in front of them said after he destroyed them. Excalibur Galatine. What said was that? They have never heard of a Excalibur Fragment with that name nor had they seen such a blade. As it shined like the sun in front of them Yuto immediately charged at Freed. Said person snapped out of his shock state and pulled out his third and final Excalibur Fragment, it was nightmare. The two engaged in combat but even before the battle began this battle was already decided.

Freed couldn't keep up with Yuto speed and his fierce attacks as he wasn't aiming for the priest. No he was aiming for the sword he had in his hands. Every time the two Holy swords connected and strike each other the force of Excalibur Galatine made a crack on Excalibur Nightmare. Unlike before where the blade easily destroyed the last two it was taking its time to destroy this one. Kicking Freed in the stomach Yuto slashed at him one more time as the priest used his sword to block the attack. But as he did Excalibur Galatine sliced through the blade easily breaking it and leaving more cracks to the parts where it wasn't damaged as of yet. Freed fell onto the ground and stared at the young sword Wielder in front of him while gritting his teeth.

"How the hell did you destroy the Excalibur swords so easily!?"

Yuto ignored his question as he walked up to him " You dare to call them that!? Those swords don't even deserve to be called such a thing! " he stuck the ground next to Freed easily destroying showing the power of the sword he had in hand.

Galatine Holy aura got stronger as soon a intense flame covered it as anyone around Yuto could feel its intense heat. It's Wielder looked at the priest one last time before he was about to strike him down for dare insulting his mother's blade. That was the plan anyway before Yuto had to stop himself as a large pole from a street light almost impaled him. Luckily he had jumped out of the way in the nick of time. Yuto turned to look at who threw such a thing at him only to have his eyes widen in shock.

There stood a figure in black armor with a dark aura around him with its eyes ( I think feel free to correct me ) glowed red from within his helmet. He let out a scream In which Yuto understand clearly as Arthur.

" Berserker!?" Yuto said shocked 'and it's Lancelot of all things ' the last part was within his thoughts

" It looks like your having trouble Freed " A figure said as he walked out of the shadows. Like Freed he was wearing priest clothing as well as the fact he was a elderly age man.

" Valper Galilei!" Kiba yelled with so much hate Yuto could have sworn it would have killed the elderly man if possible. Though said person ignored him making the Blonde Knight grit his teeth in anger.

Freed stood up as he grabbed the Broken Excalibur Fragments " Good timing old man you saved me but a little too late since this brat destroyed all three swords " he said pointing at Yuto

Valper had a look of surprise "How did this boy do such a thing?" He saw the holy sword in his hands and connected the thoughts as he felt the intense and powerful holy aura it gave out. The elderly man also saw the swords craftsmanship and he had to say it was beautiful and looked perfect in his eyes which made him smile " I see so that's how "

" Where did you get him?" Yuto asked no demanded as he pointed at The Black Knight aka Lancelot/Berserker.

" Oh him? He's just our Boss Servant though he is a strange one " Valper answered

Yuto mind told him there was only two ways their leader could have gotten Lancelot as a servant. One he has one of the fragments of the Holy Grail and managed to summon and become Lancelot Master. Two the Holy Grail Fragment summoned Lancelot and soon after he formed a servant contract with their leader. Ether way this was troublesome.

Before Yuto could finish with his thoughts, Lancelot gave out a roar and charged at him picking up the pole he threw earlier. Jumping up into the air he planned to strike down the Faker that is until red sparks appeared and sliced the pole in half. Lancelot landed on the ground and backed off a little growling. There stood Mordred with Clarent in hand.

" You got some nerve trying to attack my master,  Berserker " Mordred growled as she took a fighting stance

Yuto walked next to Mordred and spoke lowly so only she could hear him " Be careful that's not any normal Berserker. It's Lancelot "

Mordred looked at her master with a look of surprise then grinned " Then It looks like he'll be a worthily opponent!" Just as she said that Mordred sparked red then charged at Lancelot. The battle between two Knights of the Round Table had begun.

Lancelot in turn charged back as the two knights met in the middle with the both of them colliding their weapons against each other. The second they did Mordred punched Lancelot back and then kicked him in the stomach. This this forced the Black Knight back but he managed to slam the pole onto Mordred side causing her to be launched into the wall. Though the Knights didn't stay down as they soon got back up and attacked each other. Even though Mordred was a Saber Class Servant which was the most powerful servant class Lancelot as a Berserker still caused her trouble. But with the fact that the Knight Of Rebellion fought both like a Saber and a Berserker helped even things out.

With a slash Mordred destroyed Lancelot Weapon Of choice then disappeared in speed that would make Kiba slow In comparison. Once she disappeared Mordred attacked and slashed Lancelot in multiple directions causing a lot of damaged to the Berserker Class Servant. Out of range Lancelot somehow grabbed Mordred and slammed her onto the ground and then kicked her away. Mordred stood up quickly to be met with a large piece of the ground which Slammed onto her. Lancelot was about to charge at her again until he stopped suddenly then disappeared with a mist of darkness.

" That must be our cue to leave, Come Freed " Valper said as he teleported both himself and freed out before anyone coils stop them.

Mordred destroyed the rock that was on her as she gritted her teeth " I'll get him next time "

Yuto went over to check on his saber as everyone else just processed what happened in the last hour. They fought against Freed who had three Excalibur fragments then Yuto showed up and destroyed all three of them. Then a person in black armor appeared and fought with another armored person. In Xenovia and Irina case they had never seem Yuto Servant so they were confused while the Gremory peerage group were in a state of shock. They themselves had fought the Saber Class Servant and stood no match against it. Then all a sudden they find out there's another person like the Knight. They went toe to toe with each other while they couldn't.

Irina went up to Yuto and asked " Could you explain to use what just happened?"

Yuto sighed " I knew this was coming, sit back and relax this is gonna be a long one. "

-Timeskip After Explanation-

When Yuto explained to Xenovia and Irina they were met with shock and surprise. Though they were more surprise when he explained the sword he had in hand was the blade of Sir Gawain, one of the Knights of the round table. At first they thought he was a possible descendant of Gawain but Yuto destroyed that thought instantly. But he didn't correct them of which Knight his blood carried. If they knew that he would have to show them Excalibur which he wasn't comfortable doing because of the two (Fake) Excalibur Swords they had ok them. Tomoe appeared next to Yuto In which he asked where she was.

The Archer Class Servant had an embarrassed smile as she held up a bag that had a gaming console with a few games. Yuto gave her a blank stare as he sulked due to the fact he was thinking how much money that he earned was wasted by his Archer. Yuto knew he shouldn't have allowed Tomoe to discover the  world of gaming but no! He though nothing bad would happen boy was he wrong.

Deciding to ignore this for now Yuto thought of the threat that was to come. He will have to face Lancelot master and defeat him. Who knows what kind of damage he could do if Yuto didn't.

End of Chapter

I'm sorry if this chapter was short or if you readers feel like it was rushed. I wrote the first half the story a few days ago and i wanted to enjoy my break from school. But I had to kinda rush it due to some people. Well I hope you readers still enjoyed the chapter even though I think out of the many chapters I wrote this one was the worst one out of them all. I'll see you all next time.

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