Chapter 22: Natural Enemy

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Yuto looked at the trap sitting in the coffin as the vampire cried out in dismay for being released from its home. Guess the little guy was shy or something or he simply didn't like to be outside. Most likely a gamer and someone who didn't socialize with others often. In a case you could say the trap and Tomoe would be a perfect match if she was his servant instead of him. Both seemed to like video games as the Archer spent most of his money buying games and spending most of her free time playing said games. Though he didn't mind it Yuto wished Tomoe would just ask him instead of taking his money randomly without his permission. That reminded him to always have his money on him at all times.

Looking over at the vampire trap Yuto walked towards him. Said person was still trying to get back into his coffin and failed terribly as Akeno had already closed it back up. Seeing as the shota vampire wasn't gonna calm down Yuto did he only thing he knew to calm down people like him.

He patted the trap's head.

The sudden action surprised him and soon everyone in the entire room minus Yuto and him are frozen in place. It was like time itself had stopped which greatly surprised the Faker as he looked at the unmoving devils. Looking back at the vampire Yuto could tell he was still scared. Sighing a bit the Son of a Faker continued to pat his head.

Very soon he started to calm down, thank you Koneko with this knowledge.

" So mind introducing yourself little one?" Yuto asked with a calm voice as he made sure not to frighten the vampire.

A little time passed by until he spoke " G-Gasper Vladi" the name reminded Yuto of the Lancer Servant serving the Black Faction in the Great Holy Grail War , Vlad. In a case the two were vampires but one was greatly feared and powerful enough to face the opposing Lancer of his faction. While Gasper at a glance was weaker than the Lancer Servant Yuto could tell he was gonna become stronger and might be add the time stopping ability.

" Hm that name fits you very well, mind telling me why everyone but us are frozen in place?" 

Gasper looked at him surprised before explaining " W-Well it's the ability of my Sacred Gear, it allows me to stop time. But I can't control it very well...."

Ah, Yuto understood now and knew the reason why he was sealed away. If one couldn't control such a dangerous power there was no other option but to sealed the user away or else they would harm those around him. By all means Yuto could understand that and it would seem Little Gasper enjoyed his time alone. He must not have wanted to be let out due to his fear of hurting those around him with his power.

Yuto stared to offer Gasper a little deal" I see Little One, how about this. I'll help you control your powers and in exchange can you leave this room for your king?"

Gasper again looked at him surprised and shocked " R-Really? But what if I can't control it and hurt everyone?"

Yuto smiled warmly at him " I'm sure that won't happen and to make sure of that we'll be going in a special little world where you can train. No one will get hurt and only me and you will be in there."

The vampire didn't seem convinced but strangely believed in the person in front of him. By all means he was a stranger but he offered to help him control his Sacred Gear. " What's this World your talking about?"

Yuto hasn't really shown this world to anyone since arriving in this world. He was closed to using it back in his fight with Kokabiel but reframe from doing so. Choosing to pull out his mother's sword then let anyone see the world his father had and now the world was passed onto him. He wanted to greatly help the Vampire control his powers and chose to do so out of his own free will. There wasn't any reason for him to do so and he could walk out right now and forget this ever happened.

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