Chapter 2: E-Rank Luck

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Sighing once again Yuto stood up from his desk as he packed his things, another boring day of school had ended. Everything the teachers of this world were teaching him were the same when he was back in his original world. The only difference is there was no Fuyuki anywhere in Japan as it seems to have been replaced with another called Kuoh. The same area where he first appeared in this world many a few months ago. At first he thought being transported into another world was gonna be troublesome but it wasn't that bad. Of course he had to do multiple jobs to pay the rent of his apartment though it wasn't too bad with his knowledge of being a bar attender and cooking for a cafe. He gonna need to make a note to thank his father for teaching him how to cook at a young age.

Back on topic, since he had so many jobs he didn't really have time for any of the school's clubs or to even make friends. But Yuto didn't mind it too much because back in his original world he didn't have that many friends anyway so no one would even know he was missing. Sighing what would be the tenth time today Yuto started walking home only to feel he was being watched. This has been happening for several days now and when Yuto stopped walking to looked around he saw no one. Even with the fact he didn't see anyone he still felt like he was being watched, even in his own home he had these feelings. Deciding to ignore it Yuto turned back around and continued walking, if a potential enemy was watching him he would need to be careful. After some time Yuto stopped in front of the shopping district to buy some food. Once done he started leaving still feeling someone was watching him.

It was getting annoying but it's not like he could just confront them and expect them to be alone. Someone must have told one of their underlings to watch him so like before he had to be careful. As he was walking Yuto spotted two individuals wearing what seems to be white cloaks. These two were laying against a wall arguing with one another about a fake painting and spending all of their money on said painting. It was before their stomach's growled signaling they were hungry really hungry. The two looked so hungry they would pass out any second from now. Any normal person would just ignore them and be on their way without a second thought.

Yuto however wasn't normal as it was kinda his belief to help anyone out to the best of his ability. Something he had gotten from his father and something his mother found amusing. Yuto did buy more food than usual so he guess he could spare some for these two and most of it was food that didn't need to be cooked. Walking up to them he handed them a bag that could last them a few days if they use it wisely.

" Here " Yuto said handing them the bag of food

The two looked at him a bit surprised, out of everyone today none of them gave them food heck no one even gave them the money to buy the food. They just stared at the bag then him then back at the bag. Yuto sweatdropped a little bit as he watched them look at him then the bag for several minutes. Sighing for the eleventh time Yuto got onto his knees and grabbed the hand of one of them. He made them hold the bag he was going to give them.

" this should last you several days if you use them wisely " once said Yuto stood back up and started walking away. As he was walking away one of them said bless you! Yuto just held his hand up and waved to them as he slowly disappeared from their vision.

" I didn't even get his name...." The one holding the bag mumbled but she had a feeling they would meet again in the future.....or she and her friend will just follow him home and ask if they could repay him somehow.

-Small Timeskip-

Yuto watched as the curry he was making was almost done, he had to admit his cooking skills were his pride and joy. Though sometimes he was a little too prideful as he made too much curry and rice for one person to eat by himself. Looks like he was gonna have leftovers for awhile, wearing a knock at his door Yuto wondered who could be at his door. No one but himself knew where he lived and he didn't any friends, so there was only one answer to that.

His stalker had the balls to come to his apartment.

Yuto slowly walked up to his door as he had considered summoning one of his swords to deal with it. But if he killed the guy or gal he gonna need to move out of town. Holding his arm behind his back ready to summon a blade he slowly opened his door to find there was no stalker. It was the two individuals he gave food to earlier today, why the hell were they here- oh they needed more food. Sighing AGAIN for the twelfth time he had a look of annoyance since he did tell them to use the food he gave them wisely but instead they ate it all.

" Uh hello was there something you two needed?" Yuto asked

Before the two could answer their stomachs growled once again making them blush in embarrassment not that Yuto could see their blushed anyhow. After they calmed down the two looked at him.

" We wanted to pay you back for your kindness" she paused then started to get a bit nervous and embarrassed " W-We also ate all the food you gave us even though you told us to use it wisely "

Yuto facepalmed but nodded in understanding seeing they were too hungry to just eat some of the food. Letting them in they took off their hoods, one had  blue hair with one part of her hair green with yellow eyes as she looked calm and serious. The second one had chestnut colored hair with it in twin tails as she had Violet eyes, this one looked more cheerful and carefree.

Though he won't deny the fact they were both beautiful.

After convincing the two to sit down at the table Yuto served them the curry he made. In which they wolfed down once they took their first bite. Man they were really hungry weren't they? After finishing their sixteenth plate they stopped eating and thanked Yuto for his kindness once again and promised to pay him back.

" Well you can repay me back by telling me your names" Yuto asked

The one in the blue hair nodded as she introduced herself and her friend " My name is Xenovia Quarta and this one is my partner Irina Shidou"

" Hello!" The now named Irina said cheerfully too cheerfully if Yuto was being honest

" So mind explaining to me what happened to you two?"

Xenovia looked at Irina as said person had a sheepish look " Irina here had spent all of our money on a fake painting"

" I'm sorry alright I didn't know!" Irina argued as she pouted a bit

" Still you spent and wasted all our money " Xenovia argued back as she got another plate of curry from Yuto as she took another bite " Oh dear god this is so good"

" In short you two have no money to buy food nor do you have any money to even find yourself a place to rest at night?" Yuto asked as the two looked down in embarrassment. Giving them a blank stare Yuto knew he was gonna regret doing this " You two can stay here as long as you want if you need to"

They both looked up at him shocked as Xenovia was the first one to recover from it " Really? We just meet only a few hours ago"

" Yeah, But you two needed help so I can't just leave you two starving and sleeping on the cold hard ground " Yuto said " Like I said you two can stay here as long as you need and I'll cook food for you to eat. The only thing you need to do is just don't make my life troublesome"

They nodded as Irina thanked him " May god bless you!"

Now Yuto didn't know if he should ether say okay or respond with I don't believe in god. The second one would probably shock the two into making them teach him the way of Christianity. Yuto nodded as he continued to serve the two with the curry he made.

Him and his E-Rank Luck

End of Chapter

Sorry if Xenovia and Irina seem a little bit too OC, doing my best here people D:
If the chapter too short I'm sorry again as I'm getting into the plot of the Excalibur Arc. Also thinking of owning Excalibur Destruction and Excalibur Mimic with Excalibur Galatine.
Though I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you next time.

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