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Los Angeles, California
October 2, 2016
8:05 PM
Beyoncé Knowles

"Beyoncé didn't I tell ya' ass eight on the dot? Why aren't ya' ready still?" Robyn said as she walked through the hotel room with a bag full of junk food. I was simply killing time like any other female would, I was bored so of course I relaxed my body for a hour or two and then eight just came around hella fast.

"You see..what had happened was, I looked at the clock on the tv stand and it said five forty and you know I was like damn that's enough time to spare to take a nap..so you know me I took me a nap and ended up playing myself when my sleep hours jumped really high.."

"Bey..sweetieee just finish up so we can make this movie."

"Ok fine..damn Robyn it's only 8:06 we not missing nothing but previews."

"Bitch I like the previews." I chuckled as I finished flat ironing my hair, I was satisfied with how the way it look finally, because I don did my shit over like four times. As I'm cleaning up in the bathroom I hear a muffled vibration coming from the room. "Bey come get ya' phone."

"Who is it?

"It's a blocked number..want me ta' cuss out whoever the nigga bitch is?" I snickered as I turned the bathroom light out and snatched my phone from her grip.

"I'll take it from here." Robyn through her hands up smiling as she laid back on the bed. I usually don't get blocked calls and I sure as don't answer them either but I was curious to know who it was. So I answered. "Hello." It was silent on the other end and I frowned looking at my phone. "Hello? Who is this?"

"Bey..baby I'm sorry please don't hang up-" before she could finish her sentence I hung up in her face. I should've known it would be her crazy, who calls someone from a blocked number just say they're sorry? Wow she's something else.

"Who was it?" Robyn asked.

"Take a wild guess." Robyn looked from her phone as her attention was now on me.

"Let me find out its that bitch again.." I nodded my head as I rolled my eyes. "I guess her last ass whooping wasn't enough ta' keep her ass in check, Bey I'm whooping her ass again when I see her.."

"Do what makes you happy Robert.." Robyn chuckled smiling at me. "Well I'm finally ready to go now.."

"Shit bout time..we missed twelve minutes of the previews..I should whoop ya' ass fa' that shit too."

"But you and I both know you won't hurt little ole bey.." Robyn lifted her eyebrow at me before looking me up and down.

"Bey bey..don' get shit twisted, I will hurt ya' little ass if I wanted to."

"Wow..you ain't shit." Robyn shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.

"Ya' love my ain't shit ass though..don' ya?" I rolled my eyes playfully. Robyn wrapped her arms around my forearms tightly as she squeezed me causing me to gasp out in laughter. "I said ya' love me don' ya' bey bey?" I giggled heavily as I nodded my head as she smiled letting me go so that I could breath.

"Ugh..why are you like this?" I said catching my breath.

"because God made me this way..he made me into a savage..dats' why.." I shook my head chuckling. This was my crazy best friend for ya.

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