Year 5 (pt 2)

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Ellie and I were working on a project in library, making a presentation about famous explorer 'Douglas Mawson'
The first day on the presentation I worked on all the slides by myself when Ellie was talking to Tess. She was messing around obviously.

The next day of Library Ellie told me she deleted everything and we would work on it at her house. I was like "are you fucking serious, you could of kept what I said at least"

Going to her house and doing all the information we at least got through 11 slides. This included of what they ate, where they went, how far they travelled etc.

The day of the presentation we weren't able to do it in front of our class and did it during class time. Year 6 was doing something else so our class was pretty empty.

Ellie gave me about 3 palm cards and she had at least 22. I told her why and she said "those palm cards are the ones you're reading" I couldn't believe. She had used me just to get me to fail. Throughout the presentation the teacher stopped us and said "when is Alexa going to read" and she responded with "she's reading the ones she did" obviously lies. I said back "we did a lot of the other slides together as well" Ellie responded "yeah the title"
Wow, how could you

After the presentation I ran to our homeroom class and sat across from Alexis. Ellie was far behind me and I had enough time to talk to Alexis about what happened. Alexis found it unfair like me and so did Tess who came to listen. I broke into tears resting my head in my arms. Ellie came back Alexis talked to her.
"How could you take all the credit" she said "she needs to learn to do work properly"

I didn't like Ellie as a friend anymore. I tried avoiding her but she acted like nothing happened. We stayed just friends afterwards. The problem is our parents are friends like family. It's gonna be impossible to not be friends with her anymore.

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