*Update 1*

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Ok so, during science I was called to go to the front desk. I got my stuff and left.

I didn't think anything bad. Just expected to receive something I lost.

Well, I went to the front desk and the lady there legit says "Go to the Welfare office darling, Ms Elias is waiting for you"

Shit, this is going to go bad.

I walk to the Welfare office and Ms Elias along with Ms Budd are waiting for me. Ms Budd says "take a seat" and I do as she says. As I sit down I look think to myself *why am I here?*

Ms Budd and Ms Elias ask how I'm going and how I feel. I reply that I'm happy because I get to play The Evil Within 2 soon. They both smile. At the same time I look at the computer and my heart drops. My sudden motivation just disappears and I feel as if, well, I'm just screwed.

"Well, we've called you in here because a friend is really concerned about you"

I sent Chloe a message on Skype by accident regarding my hallucinations and all. Ms Budd asks me about the message and I reply.

"Yes I sent it to the wrong person but my friend and I like to joke around about this stuff all the time"
Honestly if I hadn't said that I would of been in deep shit.

Ms Budd reads out "my hallucinations are talking to me and saying things like "you're useless" or "pathetic""
I honestly forgot what I had said and I did admit to them that I hallucinate .

"What type of hallucination is it?" Ms Budd asks.
"It's a tall figure that appears anytime of the day atleast everyday of the week, they're a shadow figure that sometimes talks to me" - Alexa

"Are they calling you things or is that how you feel they're trying to say?" - Ms Budd

"I honestly don't know" -Alexa.

She reads out the next sentence.

"And the reasons why I cut myself are for not what I said"
God I am so lucky I talked about it being a joke.
"That was the joke part"
They both go on like it was the truth.

They dismiss me after a long talk afterwards, they also mention that I can see the councilor whenever but eh.

I walk to my music class and put my bag down outside. Get my pencil case and walk to my seat. I sit there not only pissed that Chloe sent the email to the school, but I just want to be left alone. I feel the tears coming and Aleah walks up to me. "You came back yay" she laughs.

"You ok?....... Ok she's defiantly not ok"
Samara comes by and sits in her seat asking what happened and all.

I quickly stand up and hug Aleah. I just need someone to comfort me, I felt like the world was turning their backs to me again. I sit back down and wipe my tears away. Ms Jarvis comes in and says to me "need a drink?" From the other side of the room and half of the class turns to look at me.

This was on Tuesday. On Friday I made up with Chloe but she says she wasn't the one to take a screenshot of the text and email it to the school.

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