Chapter Trece

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Alex had promised to finally reveal some things to me, but he knew he couldn't afford to tell me anything in the mansion, where Xavier or Aiden might hear. So, he decided to play it coy, and tell Xavier he was going to take me out on another errand, but instead he had driven us to an Italian café.

So, there I was, having a Pappardelle con Ragu Di Anatra, hand-made egg ribbon pasta with a duck ragu infused with grappa and orange zest. In other words, I was in heaven.

"You have to promise me you're not going to freak out" Alex began. I nodded, instructing for him to continue, since my mouth was too full to actually respond.

"We're not the mafia or anything", he whispered, leaning in to make sure no one around us could hear.

I started laughing quietly, "of course you're not in the mafia, why would you assume I think that?"

"A bunch of good looking guys, going around on missions and getting shot? Isn't that what every girl thinks the mafia consists of?" He replied, his voice returning to normal now as he realised there wasn't anyone close enough to hear us.

"No we don't... what kind of books have you been reading, Alex?"

"What- but I, you know what, nevermind. As I was saying, we're not exactly the mafia, but we have affiliations with an organised Hispanic criminal clan", he spoke casually, causing my fork of pasta to halt midway, before it got to reach my mouth. Had I just heard him correctly?

"a criminal clan? so basically like the mafia?" I asked, blinking.

Alex sighed and continued, "well yeah, it kind of sounds like the mafia, but they don't call themselves that. All of us in the house are involved because we all have Spanish blood in us, whether it come from a grandparent or long lost ancestor; and each one of those family members had something to do with the clan, and well, sort of passed it down to us."

"Okay, woah, let's take it back 5 steps, I came here expecting that you were going to tell me that you're all secretly part of Playgirl or something, and people were out to kill you for your good looks." I replied, not understanding how I had missed the fact they these guys were all criminals. Minus the fact that they had kidnapped me; but there was a difference between kidnapping a girl and forcing her to be your maid, and being part of a whole gang.

"I'm flattered Mia, really, but that's not the smartest thing you've said since I've known you."

"Well I'm sorry if my first thought wasn't that the people that kidnapped me were also involved with some sort of gang!" I exclaimed, in a whisper yell, "In fact, why has a Hispanic gang kidnapped me? I don't even speak Spanish, let alone have Hispanic blood in me."

"I thought you didn't know your parents?" Alex quickly questioned.

"How do you? Nevermind", I remembered Eli mentioning that Xavier had so kindly had me investigated and then explained my background to the guys.

"Listen, us taking you in wasn't a random act. Xavier's had his eyes on you for a while, making sure you were who he thought you were", he mentioned, and instantly I had 50 more questions I wanted to ask him; but sensing my curiosity, he lifted a finger indicating for me to let him continue before I bombarded him with questions, "don't ask me about it, I won't be able to answer you, because I don't have the full details, but Xavier has plans to tell you everything, I'm just not sure when."

I let out a deep breath, things weren't making sense. Looking down at my once beautiful looking pasta, I had suddenly lost my appetite. I looked back up at Alex who was watching me with pitiful eyes. I hated that. I hated pity. I got enough of it growing up as an orphan.

"Can we just go?" I asked, but didn't really wait for a response as I got up ready to head for the door.

"Sure, I'll pay the bill and be right there."

I began walking towards the door, baffled at the information I had just received. I was in such a daze that I hadn't even realised the man walking in, as I bumped into him.

"So sorry" I quickly apologised.

"no problem at all" he responded smoothly, in a slightly familiar tone, but before I had the time to deliberate on it, Alex was by my side directing me towards the car.

Once we had arrived at the mansion, Xavier asked to see Alex in his office, so I went into the lounge room, where I saw Katherine seated, packing up a few files that were infront of her.

"Mia! Thank goodness you're back before I left, Xavier asked me to inform you that there's a gala next week, a sort of charity ball, and I asked if you could come, you know to get away from this place for a night... and he said okay!" Katherine immediately bombarded me with her news before I even had the chance to say hello, "sorry, I got a little excited, should have let you sit down first," she quickly admitted.

"It's okay, thanks for letting me know... and it sounds good" I responded, attempting my best smile so she wouldn't begin questioning me.

"Okay great! So, I'll be here 4 hours before the event starts, you know to help you get dressed and everything!" She almost squealed at the thought.

"What's gotten you all excited Kat" I looked back to see Eli walking into the room, dressed in a body hugging black shirt and black jeans.

"The charity gala next week!" Katherine exclaimed, to which Eli scoffed at, clearly not interested.

"Which reminds me! Xavier needs someone with Mia at the gala at all times, and Alex was going to do it, but because of his recent injury, Xavier thought it'd be better if he sat this one out, so uh, what do you say? Wanna be Mia's escort?" Katherine beamed towards Eli.

Eli looked over to me, a small contemplating smile crossing his face before he looked back at Katherine, "sure, why not" he shrugged.

"Great, my job here is done!" Katherine responded clapping her hands together, "I'll see you two next week then" She picked up her things and bid us farewell.

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Authors Note: this is a shorter chapter because it's a double update! Make sure to check out the next chapter 💕

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