Chapter Seis

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So, maybe I shouldn't have thought screw Xavier's requests.

The next day I was rudely awoken by Xavier, and it seemed as though he had completely lost his mind over the fact that I hadn't done a single bit of cleaning yesterday.

Katherine had spent the night with Aiden and heard the racket so she came into my room and tried to calm him down, but it seemed as though something else had already angered Xavier, and he wasn't in the mood for excuses.

"Don't mind him darling, their job is very stressful, he doesn't mean to take it out on you" Katherine had said. What was their job anyway? I didn't even have the time to ask before Xavier was dragging me into the kitchen to get the cleaning equipment.

That's why I had found myself grudgingly cleaning the second office, not knowing who even occupied the room.

My thoughts went back to my conversation with Katherine yesterday. She seemed like a really sweet woman, I didn't understand why someone like her would be dating Aiden though.

She had told me that she had known all the guys, except for Mason who was new here, for over 3 years now, explaining that she thought they were all good men at heart but were just a little messed up due to their upbringing.

It took a lot in me not to open-up to her right then and tell her I was very similar in that aspect. As much as Katherine seemed sweet, I just didn't know if I could trust her. Hell, she knew I wasn't here voluntarily, but she was their lawyer, and therefore obligated to turn a blind eye.

However, I did get curious and asked her how come I didn't see any other girls around the house. She simply responded saying Xavier preferred the guys kept their one night stands elsewhere and only brought home serious relationships, which were pretty much non-existent for the most of them.

"Ugh how can someone let an office get so dirty" I thought aloud, after picking up yet another scrunched up paper off the floor.

"Guilty", I turned my head to see where the word had come from, only to be presented with yet another beautiful man standing at the door. It was almost becoming comical at this point. Was there an application process for getting into this mansion that stated you had to be ridiculously good looking? Was this mansion actually the residence of Playgirl?

The man remained by the door observing the room, a week old stubble lined his jawline and he was wearing a neatly pressed suit, something you see either on rich lawyers or the mafia. He took in every inch of the room before his dark brown eyes settled on me.

"I'm Jacob. I'm assuming you're the infamous Mia. Good job on the room." And with that he was gone, as if he had never even arrived.

Jacob? That was who the last bedroom in this mansion belonged to. Alex explained that he was on a long trip, but unless his trip started six months ago it didn't seem very long at all.

After I was finally done cleaning Jacobs office, I found my way back to my room, feeling exhausted. Every room in this darn place was so big it could be have been a house in itself.

I took a shower and changed into a simple off the shoulder sundress. If I was going to be staying here against my will I was going to make the most of these clothes they had placed in the closet. I left the room in hopes of finding Alex. I had a lot of questions about this place and he was the only one who would probably answer me.

After an endless search and asking around I finally found Alex in the cinema room, stuffing his face with popcorn while watching Safe Haven.

Definitely was not expecting him to be a Nicholas Sparks fan.

I popped down onto the seat next to him and he merely shoved the bag of popcorn towards me, offering me some without even taking his eyes off the screen. I thought it was best to let him finish his movie in peace before I bombarded him with questions.

An hour of laughs, provided by me and tears, provided by Alex, the movie finally ended and Alex diverted his attention towards me.

"What can I do for you baby girl" Alex asked, giving me his best grin.

Okay, this guy was way too comfortable with strangers.

"Well I was thinking"

"Oh, this can't be good" he joked before I had even finished my sentence, "I'm sorry, continue" he said, with a mischievous smile.

I rolled my eyes and proceeded, "I was thinking, what is it that you guys actually do? I mean there's no way six ordinary young guys would be able to afford a place like this."

"Uh... it's probably best if you ask Xavier that question". I knew he was going to reply with something like that, but I wasn't going to give up until he gave me something.

"Come on Alex, just giving me something, I'm going crazy over here trying to figure it out" I put on my best pout and puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, okay, just don't give me that look, you're already irresistible as is" he uttered, with that same stupid grin on his face.

"Look all I can safely tell you is that we run a series of operations, operations that are a little dangerous, so the less you know the better it actually is for you", he continued and for the first time I could see something different in his eyes. They held an unspoken look of despair, but it was quickly cast away with his regular glow of playfulness.

"All you need to know is that you're safe here, you've got me looking out for you after all." He nudged me with his shoulder and proceeded to get up, insinuating it was time to leave.

♡ ♡ ♡

Authors Note: a little bit of a shorter chapter but I've already started on the next chapter; and it's gonna be an interesting one!

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