Chapter Viente

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"You can start your story now", I stated, looking up at him.

He gave me a playful glare, "you're impossible," he sighed, before continuing, "for the past 3 months, someone has been sending us messages. Hurting us. Not in ways that'll kill us, but enough to cause pain, and get their message across", he got right into it, and I was glad, I was sick of everyone beating around the bush with me.

"and the message would be?"

"We're not sure," he replied, "but we think it may have something to do with you", he muttered so low I almost didn't hear him. Almost.

"Me? You're kidding right?"

"I wish I was, but, it's because uh... we think you might have Spanish blood in you", he cautioned, and I could tell by the tone of his voice that he wasn't confident with his decision to open up.

I let out a nervous laugh, an almost snicker. I couldn't help it. I had spent so many years of my life trying to find my parents, or even a trace of who I was, but there was nothing. Suddenly, these guys came into my life out of nowhere, and they tell me I'm of Hispanic descent? And because of that, there's some sick people out to hurt them? This had to be a joke.

"Hey, look at me," Eli placed his hand on my cheek, gently lifting my head so my gaze met his, "we didn't want to tell you sooner because we knew you would possibly freak out, but it's nothing to worry about, we got this."

"Is your definition of 'we got this' getting shot and stabbed?" I asked, surprised at my own tone, "cause last time I checked that's the opposite of we got this, in fact it's more along the lines of 'everything's gone wrong and we don't know what we're doing anymore, we kidnapped this girl who we think might be this Hispanic girl, but she's an orphan with no record of her parents so we're not exactly- mmf"

"mmf" was the next sound that came out of my mouth, because Eli had decided to shut me up, with a kiss.

"Sorry," he apologised as we parted, his eyes still resting on my lips, "I thought you were going to have another panic attack and I didn't-"

I grabbed his face, and kissed him back. Not because I thought I was going to have a panic attack; but because his lips were a great distraction from the onslaught of information that was trying to be processed in my brain.

After 21 years of trying to piece together some information, any information, about my life, it was suddenly being handed to me on a bloody platter, and I was terrified.

"Alright kids, break it up"

"Look what you've done, I told you we should wait before coming down."

We broke off our kiss, reluctantly, and looked over at the interruptions standing at the end of the bed, or as they're formally known, Aiden and Katherine.

"We're sorry to interrupt,"

"habla por ti mismo", Aiden scoffed out in Spanish, knowing full well I didn't understand what he was saying.
(Speak for yourself)

"Shut up Aiden", Katherine hissed as she glared at him, before looking back at us with a smile on her face, "as I was saying. We're sorry to interrupt, but Xavier asked us to come down and get a description of the guys", her gaze fixated on Eli as she was evidently talking to him.

"Wait guys? As in plural?" I asked, realising Katherines words, I sat up on the bed only to realise it really wasn't big enough for the both of us without it looking awkward, so I got out, avoiding ripping the IV out of my arm.

"You didn't have to-"

"It's fine" I waved off at Eli, who clearly didn't want me getting out of his bed.

"Uh, yeah, guys, as in two of them", Katherine responded, whilst looking over at me.

I looked over at Eli, who was avoiding eye contact, as he began talking to Katherine, "I could probably identify them from our pile, I had definitely seen one of them before."

"Alright then, we'll get the photos down for you to identify", Aiden spoke, before nodding his head at Eli and walking out, only to pop his head back through the door and yell, "don't do anything stupid you two!"

"Don't worry about him, y'all continue with what you were doing, before we rudely interrupted" Katherine joked, and with that, she was out the door too.

"Well you heard the lady", Eli smirked, opening his arms out.

Oh no he didn't. If he thought he could distract me again, he was wrong.

"There were two of them?" I exclaimed, "and nobody in the restaurant thought to catch one of them?"

His shoulders slumped as he sighed, "It all happened so fast, and it was dark in the restaurant, nobody had even realised I had been stabbed, until after they were both half way out the door."

"Oh God" I muttered, my free hand running over my face. These people could murder someone in public, and get away with it.

I noticed Eli trying to get out of bed, probably to try and comfort me, but he obviously hadn't healed yet, and he winced as he was trying to get up.

I walked over to him instead, to save him the trouble, dragging the stupid IV stand with me. I really needed to talk to the Doctor about getting it out.

Eli took my hand in his, gently squeezing it, "listen you're going to be fine okay, that's why you're here, we're here to keep you safe."

I blinked, removing my hand from his, as his words suddenly hit me, "you're telling me, this whole time, I've been here, because you people think it's safer for me here? I was never exposed to any of this until I was dragged here!"

Eli's face twisted with guilt as he observed my angry state, "you are safe here, we would never let anything happen to you."

"Yet you almost died just hours ago", I whispered, pouting at the thought.

"I told you, they wouldn't kill us, they wouldn't want to start a war, they're just looking to scare us."

"So what? We keep letting them hurt you guys along the way?" I asked, frustrated at his statements.

"No. That's why Xavier needs me to identify them. We're trying to figure out where they come from, so we can put a stop to this."

I sighed. I didn't know what the point in getting frustrated was, there was clearly nothing I could do about this.

♡ ♡ ♡

Authors Note: So Mia may have some Spanish blood in her after all, but is that all? 🤔 What do y'all think?

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