Chapter Treinta y Ocho

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It seemed Xavier had called me in to face me off in a staring competition.

Since I entered his office and sat across his desk he had not spoken a word, but simply stared at me in silence.

I was the first to break the void, not able to take anymore of it.

"If by 'can I see you', you literally meant to sit here and watch me, then you could have done so downstairs."

He remained glaring at me for a moment longer before he finally spoke, "madre and padre will be here in about," he looked down at his watch before continuing, "6 hours. I wanted to let you know so you wouldn't freak out about their sudden arrival."

"Oh, thank you dear brother, for finally being so concerned for me."

"I don't appreciate the sarcasm Mia."

"Right, and I didn't appreciate you kidnapping me, lying to me for weeks on end and threatening my best friend so I could be your little slave, but you did it anyway."

"Please, you barely even cleaned anything."

"THAT'S NOT THE FUCKING POINT" I shouted as I rose from my seat and slammed my hands on his desk.

Xavier rubbed his hand over his forehead and through his hair before replying, "you can take this up with the ones that actually prevented me from telling you anything, when they arrive. Believe me, I tried negotiating, but they wouldn't have it. As for the empty threats, I apologise, but I knew of no other way to keep you there. I did of course make sure Sky was fine and taken care of."

I sighed in response. I had heard all these excuses before in the letters he wrote me, but it didn't make me feel any better. I was sure they could have contacted me without having to kidnap and threaten me. Then again if what he was saying about his parents were true, I'm not sure how much of the blame I could actually put on him.

"Alright, fine, you've warned me, I won't go into shock when they arrive, can I leave now?" I asked ready to leave the confinement of his office.

He nodded, and with that I was out the door before he could say anything else.

Xavier's office was on the third floor, so I had to make my way down the stairs to the second floor, where the bedroom was.

I approached the door to my room when I heard a voice behind me.

"You probably shouldn't go in there right now."

I turned around to see Eli leaning against his own door, his arms crossed infront of him.

"And why not?" I asked, as I stepped away from my own door, and approached him.

"Alex went in there a few moments ago, I don't think he's planning on coming out anytime soon either."

I stood there confused for a second before I realised it was also technically Sky's room.

"Come on, you can stay in my room until their done" Eli announced as he opened his door and gestured me in. I could see his struggle to keep the smirk off his face.

"Was that a ploy just to get me in your bedroom?" I asked as I plopped down on his bed, getting comfortable.

"Yes, yes it was."

I gasped, feigning surprise.

"Truth is your bedroom is actually empty... because Sky went into Alex's room instead, but I couldn't resist getting you in my room" he mused, as he lay down on the bed beside me, on his side, using his arm to prop himself up.

"you little..."

I moved closer to him and began tickling him, hoping to torture him for tricking me.

Yet not a single sound came out of him. Huh.

"Um, you're supposed to be sort of dying of laughter right now" I added before continuing my failed attempt of tickling him. I tried all sorts of different places hoping to find a weak spot, but it was as if he didn't have any.

"I don't get ticklish" he shrugged with the calmest expression.

"What! Who isn't ticklish? what the hell is wrong with you? are you even human? are you sure you're not some robot?" I asked frustrated.

"I don't know," he responded in a low voice, as he leaned in towards me, his face inches from mine, "did my dick feel robotic when it was inside you?" his breath ghosted across my face, instantly sending a shiver up my spine at the memory of that night.

I noted the familiar glaze over his lust-filled eyes, as if I had just enchanted him without even meaning to.

He raised his hand and subconsciously closed my eyes and winced.

His tight grip around my waist loosened as he removed his hand, only to raise it in the air.

I closed my eyes and waited for impact.

My heart rate was accelerating... my breaths shortening...

"Hey... hey... it's okay baby, it's me, it's Eli" his soft voice slowly brought me back. I blinked my eyes as my vision blurred. Realising my tears were the cause of my blurred vision, I rubbed them vigorously, so I could see clear again.

It was Eli. My Eli. I was okay. I was safe.

"I'm so sorry baby, I shouldn't have said that, I didn't... mmphm"

The familiarity of his lips warmed my heart as I kissed him. With his lips on mine, all thoughts of the past melted away and I was only alive in the present. It was as though he was able to transfer medicine to me through our kiss, healing me, engulfing my senses and stealing away my worries. Or maybe he didn't need to transfer medicine, maybe he was my cure.

As I broke the kiss, I felt his gentle fingers on my cheeks, and then his whole hand holding the side of my face. I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch.

"You don't deserve this pain" he whispered as he held my face close, his lips brushing over mine.

I moved my head an inch over and captured his lips in mine again. I didn't want to speak, I just wanted to feel.

Eli gently took a hold of my waist as I pulled myself onto his lap. In that moment, the rest of the world became an insignificant blur that was pushed away into the far recesses of my mind. All that mattered was the feeling of his touch, his lips, his hands.

We broke apart for air, and I laid my forehead onto his, keeping my eyes closed and simply basking in his touch.

"Are you okay?" he whispered, almost choking on his words.

I nodded, before opening my eyes to see his steel eyes staring back at mine, no longer filled with lust, but with drops of tears.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, taking his face between my hands.

"Because you were crying" he sniffed.

"Aw babe, don't, not because of me, I'm fine... see, nothing wrong with me" I said, outstretching my arms for emphasis, although my misty eyes may have suggested otherwise.

His arms tightened around my waist as he laid his head on my shoulder silently sobbing.

"I-I wish I could erase every trace of that... that bastard from your memory."

Holding onto him just as tightly, I responded, "you are... believe me, you are."

A knock at the door interrupted the somber mood.

"Hey Eli! Do you know where Mia is?" Jacobs voice asked behind the closed door.

Well at least he had learnt the art of knocking.

Eli looked over at me for assurance before responding, "yeah she's in here, you can come in."

"Uh, no need, I just wanted to warn... it seems Kings coming home earlier than expected."

♡ ♡ ♡

Authors Note: ooh we're finally going to meet Madré and Padré!!

Don't forget to vote and comment my loves ❤️

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