Chapter Twenty-Two: daddy, please

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 yes, another chapter. hope it makes you happy that I've updated sooner then I usually have been. So this is the chapter that's going to start going back and fourth from different point of views. The story won't be able to flow as well if I don't start writing this way plus I think it makes things interesting.

enough rambling on my part.

as always, comment/vote/fan/enjoy :)

(I'll try to update again soon!!)


I stared at the door knob. My arms were tightly crossed across my chest. I was suffocating in this damn dress. I left my hair to curl down around me, it was the only safety I had right now. I held my breath until I heard the heavy, lead like footsteps getting closer to the door. I opened the door quicker then he could react.

 The broad shouldered man's eyes widened at me. His eyes scanned my body quickly but still made me feel uncomfortable. I didn't know his name. I just knew that he was part of our security. I had seen him around the Palace before. I felt my eyes narrowing as he just stood there staring at me.

 “Excuse you!” I snapped at him. He looked stunned now. I never used to snap at people before I met Damien...

 “Sorry!” He lowered his head. Bowing was a form of respect. I always hated it. My father forced everyone to bow, always. “The King has been expecting you. He's waiting down in the Great Hall.” He stayed bowed.

 I sighed. “Thank you.”

 He stood tall now. Our eyes locked and my mouth dropped open. I did know him. He was a servant boy that I used to play with. The King thought we were getting too close and one day he disappeared.

 “You've changed.” I couldn't get my voice above a whisper. He was smiling now.

 “So have you, Princess.”


 “You should go. He's getting impatient.” He interrupted.

 I hesitated before finally nodding in agreement. I moved past him quickly.

 “I'm glad you're back, Kim.” He spoke behind me. I stopped in mid stride and turned around. Looking at him again, he seemed exhausted. And then I remembered; I wasn't the only one that needed to escape this place. I left behind so many innocent people. Who knows how crazy the King got when I left.

 By the time I made it down to the Great Hall I was nearly in tears. I felt so bad for the people I had forgotten in my attempt to get out of this place. The first person I saw when I turned the corner was the King, my Father. He's a bigger man with short greying hair. He looked older, aged since the last time I saw him. This was the life of a human. Growing old helplessly. He looked up at me suddenly, a dark smirk appeared on his face. I miss my vampires...

 Link sat beside him with a smug look on his face and beside him sat a man with a cast on his whole arm. The side of his face was bruised. Ian. Damien did quit a bit of damage. It was a pleasure to see him that way. I bit my lip. I shouldn't think that way.

 “Why look at you, my beautiful daughter.”

 I stared at him for a moment, caught off guard. What was going on? Link's smug look never faultered and Ian's blank expression continued to stay blank. His eyes were empty. He looked soulless. The only other person I ever met with a soulless expression was Venom. Humans could really be worse than vampires.

 “Father.” I acknowledged him the same way I did with my Mother. She was sitting on the other side of the King. She was always quiet, reserved, there was nothing about her that drew attention to her. It could be hours before guests would even notice her sometimes.

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