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Turning seventeen changes a person's life completely. Puberty starts to complicate life,  the urges to look more beautiful, insecurities about your body, pimples, crushes, jealousy and mix feelings. Teen life is the best phase of life but this is when we meet several people which causes life lasting impact in our life.

Liza turned seventeen in October, she had always been thinner and smaller for her age, she was skinny little girl with a small face. Brown hair with bright-green eyes. She had always been a quiet person not so famous in her school and always been bullied for her glasses as they never fitted her face.

Liza was really happy about the school holidays.  She had plan to work in order to save enough money and buy a new smart phone. Smart phone were the new trends of 2012 and all her friends had one or were working to buy one too. Little did she know that her life was going to change in the very few days.

The new Cafe was recruiting teenagers for holidays and she signed up for the job quickly and was recruited the very next day. The cafe was in a very crowded area as severals houses were nearby and infront of it was the famous Lawrence bakery which was very famous for its donuts.

First day of work and Liza was up at six a.m preparing her clothes, trying types of hairstyles and very over excited to go to work. Wearing a cute blue dress Liza left her house at seven a.m. The cafe start working at eight a.m and being only two km away from Liza's house she was there way too early.

The bakery was already open. A bike was parked infront of it , seem like they already had customers Liza thought. Having heard a lot about it's tasty chocolate donuts but never tasted any Liza had an urge to try one. Crossing the road she reached for the door and suddenly someone from inside opened it at the same time. Standing infront the door was a tall muscular guy. Messy and curly brown hair, big muscle showing with his sleevless shirt, dark blue eyes and a huge grin on his face. It was a welcoming smile not a flirty one and doubting about her appearance she didn't even tried to smile back to the guy. She was sure he will never fall for her so she didn't glanced at him again, as she will surely fall for his handsome look with the cutest smile and his eyes were already making her heart skips beats.

Saying thanks without looking up Liza entered the bakery, ordered a chocolate donut and left as soon as possible as she had a feeling the handsome guy was looking at her.  She didn't even turned back while returning as if the boy wasn't looking at her really this will hurt her expectations or imagination very badly.

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