Break-ins and Bad Guys

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I step off the bus into the bitter chill - my thin jacket is not nearly enough to block out the icy wind that sweeps through the darkening streets. The lamps nearby cast eerie shadows, and I stare at mine for a moment. I know nothing about this city; I don't have anywhere to go, no direction, so I just walk. My eyes stay on my shoes, for the most part - brief glances at my surroundings fill in the blanks, and I use the images to build a mental map.

I got off at a random stop, one that seemed far enough outside the city that I wouldn't walk right into trouble, but not so far that I couldn't blend in unnoticed. I'd left Manchester as quickly as I could, and I hope this is far enough away that I won't be found. My eyes catch building after building, mostly apartments and shops, closed for the evening.

I notice a flash of dirty white sock through the ever-growing hole in my shoe. I don't have the money to get new shoes, jesus christ...a cold tingle crawls from my foot up my spine, making me shiver. I pull my jacket closer, quickening my pace in an attempt to warm myself. Fat lot of good that'll do, I need to find somewhere to get out of this fucking wind.

My upward glances become more frequent, last longer, and I finally catch sight of an abandoned-looking restaurant. No signs indicate exactly which restaurant occupied the building before its demise, but it's surrounded only by a chain-link fence; B&E is a specialty of mine.

I curse under my breath as my frozen hands meet the icy grate of the metal; I steel myself against the chill, take another quick look around to ensure privacy, and scale the fence. Record time, my brain notes as I make my way across the empty car park toward what I assume must be the employee entrance in the back.

Habit takes over, and I pull the hood of my jacket down over my eyes and keep my gaze on the pavement until I've arrived at the door. I jiggle the handle, mildly surprised to find it locked despite the decrepit exterior, and pull my pick out of my pocket. What marketable skills I have, I chuckle halfheartedly as I pop the lock and open the door just enough to slip inside.

At least I know the lock works, I reason, glad to be out of the rough breeze. I shut the door, relocking it, then take a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness around me. I listen for movement, watching closely for any shifting shadows, but sigh in relief when nothing draws my attention.

Bus-hopping my way out of Manchester has me utterly exhausted, and - though I really intend only to rest long enough to warm up and take a bite of my remaining energy bar - I feel the siren song of sleep pulling me under before I can even remove my backpack.


"What'dya think the boss'll want to do with him?"

"Hell if I know. The guy broke in, so I doubt he'll be too happy,"

The sound of voices wakes me from my fitful sleep, and I'm suddenly on high alert. Instinct kicks in, and I climb slowly to my feet to avoid making any noise. Whoever these guys are, they're right outside the door...maybe I can get out the way I came, before they...

And of course, it's too late. The door opposite my escape route is flung open by two shockingly unintimidating guys. I make the split second decision, sprinting for the exit to my freedom. As my hand hits the handle, one of the voices, the first, calls out to me.

"Yeah, I really wouldn't do that if I were you," I'm expecting it to sound threatening, but his voice is just light with amusement. I only hesitate for half a second before unlocking the door and swinging it wide.

My eyes are met with darkness, something far darker than the streetlamps should've warranted, and I pause. I can't see anything, not even the dumpsters that I had passed on the way to the employee entrance.

"Yeah, may not want to step out there. Can't be sure you'll ever find your way back, really," I have no clue what he - the other guy, it must be - means, but the blackness is terrifying. Night in a city, that's not a problem with how everything's still lit up, but this...I step back, and the door swings shut of its own accord.

"Probably for the best." The first guy again, and I turn.

"Where the fuck am I, and what is going on?" I raise my voice, hoping that my anger hides the fear I feel burrowing under my skin. The second guy steps forward and I press my back - my backpack, really - against the metal door.

"Look, just come with us. The boss wants to see you," he takes another step, and I see my opening - the door they came through is unblocked now, and I bolt for it, shoving both guys out of the way in turn.

I barely let my shock register as I hurtle into a fully-lit corridor - this place was abandoned! - and then I'm moving again, looking for any kind of door that might lead outside. Do I even want to go outside? I don't let the thought settle, pushing it aside and letting instinct take over. The hall opens at the end, a swinging door, and I crash through it.

I nearly knock someone aside, a woman that a tray of food? I manage to lurch to the side in time to avoid the collision, slamming into a long countertop where patrons are sat. The people - there are people here? How - look up at me, startled, and I immediately drop my gaze, freezing in place. What the ever-loving fuck is going on?

My moment of freedom is unfortunately short-lived - two hands clamp on my arms, and all attempts at fighting fly out the window. Apparently, my sanity went along with it...I could've sworn there wasn't a single light on in this place? Was I that tired, that I somehow missed all this?

I scowl at the guys dragging me back down the hall, toward an open door at the opposite end. I spare a wistful glance at the room I'd entered through. I have no fucking clue what's through the doorway ahead of me.

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