Chapter Two

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"Raven! Where did you go?! We were worried sick!" Kenan shouted and raced to hug Raven tightly. Raven groaned and rolled her eyes, meeting the gaze of her worried mother.

"I'm fine. Honestly I am. And no, I'm still not going to tell you where I went," Raven muttered, grinning up at her beloved mother despite herself. "I am glad that you missed me though!" she added as an afterthought.

Kenan's lips pursed together and she shrugged after a moment, deciding that Raven was old enough to not get into too much trouble on her own. Together, the female elves entered the kitchen and ran into Elizen, who was crossly storming across the house.

"That cursed mage," Elizen thundered and slammed the wooden door shut behind Raven. "That old fool believes he knows all and prophecies utter nonsense. I'll have his head one day, that for sure!"

Raven flinched and moved sideways, worriedly staring up at Elizen in dread. Her father met her gaze and his anger visibly drained. Slowly, he sank into the kitchen chair and buried his head in his well-worn hands. Raven ventured forward and sat across from him, putting her head on the table and staring at him quietly.

"You are the leader of the rebellion, aren't you?" Raven suddenly burst out, not able to hold back her curiosity. Kenan inhaled sharply and Elizen darted to his feet, roughly grabbing Raven's arms tightly.

"Who told you that?" he hissed, shaking Raven like a sack of meal with her arms pinned to her sides.

"Elizen STOP! You are hurting her!" Kenan shouted and jerked Elizen's arms away from Raven. Elizen stumbled sideways and straightened immediately, furiously. "Calm down!" Kenan shouted and gently helped Raven off the ground, glaring at Elizen.

"You do not lay a hand on my daughter like that," Kenan hissed, protectively shielding Raven from Elizen's furious gaze. Elizen snorted and moved closer, only to be blocked by Kenan again.

"She knows who I am, Kenan. She doesn't know what she's saying. I need to know who told her that," Elizen appealed, halting his approach and meeting the strong gaze of his wife. "She needs to know the truth," he whispered, his voice failing him utterly.

Kenan sighed and wrapped her arms around the fallen warlord and held him gently as the great warrior weakly sank to the floor. "I've got you. Don't worry, I'm here. Now isn't the time to tell her, Elizen. It can wait," Kenan whispered and glanced at Raven, holding her gaze for a moment.

Raven shakily stood, slowly inching her way up the stone steps that led into the deeper chambers of the cottage. Elizen and Kenan remained on the ground, unmoving, as Raven made her escape into her bedchamber.

As Raven entered the room, Collin quickly scooted off her cot and faced her, anxiously attempting to meet her gaze. "Raven, how did you find out?" he asked haltingly. Raven snorted and stormed past him to flop down onto her bed.

"It's not exactly a secret Collin. I was bound to run into someone who knows the truth someday and that day turned out to be today. I don't get it at all though! And how do you know about it before me?" Raven snapped, glaring at him crossly.

Collin shrugged and plopped down beside her, staring across the room soberly. "I've known for years, Raven. When I was young I lived with my parents a few years. I remember when they died. I remember when your father agreed to make me his own son. I remember the caretaker telling me that my destiny now was far greater than any my parents could have imagined. When I asked them why they said that, they said it is because this elf is descended from kings and his line is destined for the throne of Aling."

Collin sighed and shook his head. "Hearing such things I knew that he was leader, king. Seeing him now, the remnant of a strong leader, forced into exile, forced into weakness, angers me. I was determined to give him back what he deserved, what he fought for years trying to get. He told me not to tell you in order for you to have the childhood he, and I, never had."

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